Chapter 44 (Just revised)

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I felt stiff and sore as I tried to roll over; well thank you Captain Obvious for that understatement my body screamed at me as I threw my legs over the side of the bed, reaching for my crutches I made it to a standing position and to the bathroom.  When I finished I walked over to the sink to wash my hands and take inventory of the damage.  It could have been worse I told myself looking at the cuts, scrapes and bruises; the worst one was the injury to my forehead and that would scar.  Sighing I started back to the bedroom when I heard Dominic's voice. 

 "Camille?  Where are you?" he called out. 

 "In the bathroom, babe.  I'll be out in a minute"I answered.  I was going to have to try and keep my anger out of this; I really didn't want to fight with him but I couldn't help but be a tiny bit resentful towards the fact that if I wasn't with him my shop would still be intact.  Yeah and you would still be alone and without a boyfriend my snarky subconscious reminded me.

  I pulled the bathroom door opened and found Dom sitting on the edge of the bed.  He stood up as soon as I hobbled out; I studied his face and couldn't help but notice he looked exhausted.  I balanced myself as I reached out for his face, caressing it gently as he held it in place, closing his eyes. 

 "When did you sleep last?" I asked concerned.  He sighed and looked down at me, his eyes liquid chocolate. 

 "I don't really remember" he said honestly. 

 "Tell you what" I started.  "You help me downstairs, we eat something, sit outside for a bit and then we come back up here for a nap, okay?" I hoped he would agree and not fight me on this. 

 "Okay" he said leaning in and kissing me.  

"Wait a minute" I breathed as he tried to pull back.  "I really need another one of those please" I begged. 

 "Do you now?" he asked smirking at me.  I nodded, biting my lower lip.  His expression changed like day and night as he pulled my bottom lip from my teeth.  "Let me do that" he said sexily.  I got tongue, lips and teeth in that kiss and it left me breathless when he pulled away from me.  "Let's go" he said.

Thank God for Amelia!  I didn't realize that she cooks meals in advance and puts them in the fridge and the freezer so we had homemade lobster ravioli and salad for lunch.  I was blissfully full by the time we finished.

  "My God, that was amazing" I said, leaning back in my chair.  I had noticed that Dom wasn't much for conversation so I didn't try and push it, just yet.  I would give him time, if that's what he needed.  Helping me up and getting the door we walked outside and sat down by the pool; the weather was beautiful today and there was just a slight breeze. 

 We didn't say anything, we just sat for a moment and then I reached out my hand, nothing verbal exchanged, for his, taking it I squeezed it comfortingly just letting him know I was an arm's length away.  He did lightly squeeze my hand as well so at least I knew he received and got my gesture.  We stayed outside for about an hour before we decided it was time to head in and upstairs.  He really didn't look like he would fight a nap at this juncture.

Sitting on the bed I carefully pulled the Velcro from my knee brace and laid it on the floor, shimmied out of my sweatpants, grabbed my extra pillow and put it under my knee, took my pill and drank my water and laid down.  Dom had disappeared into the bathroom but soon emerged in just his Calvin's; God I would never get tired of looking as his beautiful body and my gawking would not go unnoticed by him either. 

 "Don't look at me like that" he scolded as I pretended to pout.

  "I can't help it" I said, smiling at him.  "You shouldn't be so beautiful."  He actually blushed!  I made Dominic Giossi blush!  I silently cheered on the inside for my accomplishment.  Putting that aside I pulled the sheet back so he could crawl in beside me; laying his head on my shoulder and his arm around my waist be both just laid there enjoying the closeness we were feeling.

  "Camille, I really love you.  Very much" he said, his voice sounding sleepy. 

 "I know you do, Dom.  And I love you" I returned, turning my lips to find and kiss his head.  "Go to sleep baby" I told him.  Very soon I could hear the soft, even breath sounds indicating he was asleep; then and only then I allowed my eyes to close, my thoughts drifting to and fro and finally of me and him.

I hadn't bothered to look at the clock when we laid down but I could tell enough by how dim it was starting to look outside that we had both been asleep for a while; but I wouldn't argue that we both had needed it.  Dom hadn't moved at all; he was still in the same position from when we laid down earlier.  I let my nose rest in his hair, inhaling and taking in his scent; it calmed me and I liked that feeling.  Moving my head off of his I rubbed my face with my right hand and sighed.  Valentina was right; if I wanted him, us, I would have to fight for what I wanted.

  I would have to compartmentalize our relationship and remember that when it was just us, alone, we were just Dominic and Camille but outside of the confines of our home he would always be The Boss and I his Queen.  Would I be strong enough to handle this life?  I wanted him, wanted to be with him, so my answer would always be yes; somehow I would find a way and the strength to deal with whatever life threw at us because at this moment I realized he was worth that fight.

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