Chapter 56 (Just revised)

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The whole day went better than expected but I found myself with an unexplained empty feeling in my gut when we drove off from Little Italy.  Camille was way more receptive than I could have hoped for and her agreeing to have dinner with me tonight just solidified it for me.  

"Boss" this from Carlo.

  "What?" I snapped, being pulled from my thoughts of her made me angry. 

 "She's a good woman" he answered. 

 I sighed and said "She is."  I wasn't supposed to 'feel' anything but somehow she had managed to change all of that and had torn down my defenses in the short time that I've known her.  Before I could bring my thoughts back together Beni's phone rang. 

 "Boss, it's Don Giovanni" he said handing me his cell. 

 "Antonio, Dominic.  What can I do for you?" I asked respectfully.  He talked for a moment and then I pulled my phone from the back pocket of my jeans. 

 "I apologize" I started saying.  "I was with your daughter, my men and I, we were helping her gather things from the shop and I had put my phone on silent" I explained.  "Yes, sir, she is." I responded.  "Yes, I'm taking her to dinner tonight" I said.  He then asked if I was aware of what he would do to me if I hurt her again. 

 "Yes sir.  You will use my balls as Christmas decorations" I replied as my men started to snicker.  Just to answer their insubordination, I placed my gun on my knee and that shut them the hell up.  Switching gears the conversation changed over to Viktor. 

 "The conference call is set for tomorrow evening, five o'clock our time" I told him.  He imparted a few more friendly reminders about his daughter and then we hung up.  "Not a word" I threatened as we traveled the rest of the way in silence.

After taking a shower and laying down I felt how tired my body actually was but my mind wouldn't shut down or off.  I was too busy thinking about the phone call from Viktor and what he'd said about Camille.  There was no way that dickhead was going to get his hands on my woman; there would be bloodshed and carnage when I got my hands on him. 

 I can promise you that and it will be at my hands because no one threatens my queen and walks away a free or whole man.  Picking up my phone I looked through my music folder and found some Vivaldi; clicking play I'd hoped it would help me relax, rest and shut my mind off even if just for a little while.  It did.  Soon I slipped into a peaceful state, my last waking thoughts were of Camille and how beautiful she was.

Beep, beep, beep, beep the droning of my phone alarm pulled me from my restful state; stretching I got up and began getting ready for my dinner with Cam.  I had told her casual so I went with my tight faded jeans, a white long sleeved tee shirt and a light fabric dark V necked sweater on top, a thick, silver chain attached to my wallet and boots. 

 It felt different, just like today, being out of a suit but I liked the contrast and hoped she would like this side of me as well.  I wanted to take her to Gyro II on 7th Ave. for some Greek food; I knew the place well and had used it several times for clandestine meetings with my Greek counterparts so I knew we would be safe there.

I was ready early so I decided to take a chance and see if she was ready to be picked up. 

 "Hello" her gorgeous voice answered. 

 "Camille" I said, hearing her shudder when I said her name.  I was still affecting her. 

 "Dominic" she played the game right back. 

 "Would you by any chance happen to be ready now?" I hoped for a positive reply.  

She laughed, which was a good sign and answered "I've been ready for the last thirty minutes."  I could hear her smile over the phone.  

"I'm on my way" I stated. 

 "I'll be waiting" was her reply as we hung up. 

 I walked downstairs, to the backdoor and putting on my Prada's I said "Let's go" as my men hopped up.  I trusted these men not only with my life but her's now too and their loyalty to the both of us was beyond reproach; I knew that if the time ever came, they would take a bullet for the family.

Pulling up to Dino's gated house, the guard pushed a button and let us through; while his house was not nearly as big as mine, it was well protected and that was the only reason I was allowing Camille to stay.  Carlo jumped out and got my door. 

 "I'll be back in a minute" I told him.  He just nodded and stayed outside the vehicle.  Dino met me at the door, holding it open he invited me in. 

 "Boss" he said holding his arm out.  I'd been here many times for meetings, weapons checks, tactical meetings, you name it; his basement was one giant safe room and if the need ever arose, we would all come here to lay low until what ever shit storm had passed over.  I could hear Camille and Cassie talking as she emerged from down the hall.  She looked positively beautiful and the smile she greeted me with was pure and right and true, just like she was.  I greeted her with a soft brushing of my lips on her cheek. 

 "You look beautiful" I told her as she blushed from my compliment; I would never get over how I could make her do that so easily. 

 "You look" she purred.  Just the way she said that made my cock twitch; it was going to be an interesting night.

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