Chapter 66 (Just revised)

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Francis met us at the door with a smile and a rare hug for Dominic;  sometimes I suspected that maybe Francis had an even bigger role in the Giossi family than he let on.  

"Darlings" said Valentina as she swept into the room, looking absolutely gorgeous and stunning in a Versace cocktail dress.  It was navy blue, off the shoulder and it looked so beautiful against her skin.  

Beni acknowledged her first, with a kiss to both cheeks and then one single word...Mother;  all of Dominic's men greeted her that way and it was very interesting to see this hierarchy that had been set up and I made a mental note to ask my father if all Italian families were like this. 

"Dominic, darling" she said brushing his cheek and then holding him at arm's length.  "Happy birthday, son" she said sweetly.  

He returned the hug and said a simple "Thank you, mom." 

"Camille, sweetheart, I believe you get lovelier every time I see you" Valentina said to me. 

"Well I completely pale in comparison to you" I told her, kissing her cheek.  

"Come" she said holding out her arm.  "Dinner is served."  We walked into the dinning room to an amazing table set for eight.  Valentina and Francis, me and Dom, Beni, Dante, Carlo and Fino were all gathered at this family table to celebrate my betrothed's birthday and I couldn't think of anywhere I would rather be at this moment.  

Dominic had told me on the way over that Dino had volunteered to check up on his clubs and be his eyes and ears on the street while we were here and that explained why he and Cassie were absent.  I knew that Dino did this out of loyalty and respect and after being with this family for almost two months now, those were the important components that kept this family running.

At dinner it seemed that everyone had let their guard down and it was just another normal family sitting down to celebrate a family member's birthday.  I got to hear all kinds of funny stories about Dominic growing up and he was quite the precocious child and then when you added Dante into the mix it sounded like both of them were hell on wheels; I actually felt sorry for Valentina. 

 Then came the stories of how accomplished Dom was, graduating in the top ten percent of his class and graduating with honors from NYU; you could tell that his mother was very proud of him and continued to feel that way to this day.  She loved her son and I dare say that if you ever crossed her, where her family was concerned, you would see that strong Italian blood come out and I felt sorry for anyone in her path.  

His mother started to tell another story about how he and Dante had gotten into trouble from Sister Mary Margaret because they super glued her ruler to her desk;  it seems she liked to whip knuckles with it.  Dominic and Dante just groaned as she embellished the story a bit, for dramatic flair but it didn't seem to bother either man in the slightest.  

Dante stood up with his glass in hand and said "To Dominic, my cousin, my family, my boss, mi famiglia."  

"Here, here" we all said clinking glasses.  Valentina leaned over to Francis, said something, and the man got up and disappeared for a bit before returning with the most gorgeous cake ever!  It was buttercream frosting, lemon cake with raspberry filing; whoever made the cake had written Happy Birthday, Dominic! in the raspberry filing. 

 I reached over for his hand and squeezed it as we sang happy birthday to him and despite not liking the attention he took it in strides, smiling and telling everyone thank you, etc.  We continued our conversations as we sank into the delicious, moist cake and it was like an explosion of flavors in your mouth. 

 "Valentina, kudos to the bakery who did this cake.  It is marvelous" I told her.  It seems that the family cook is quite the baker as well and had lovingly prepared the cake for Dom's birthday.

"Gentlemen, if you want to go into the library for scotch or whatever, we'll join you in a moment.  I would like to have a moment with my soon-to-be daughter-in-law" Valentina announced as we stood up and then the men stood up as well.  I received a little peck on the cheek from Dominic as his mother and I walked off into another part of the house. 

She led me into what looked like the master bedroom, her bedroom.  The carpet was a lush and rich burgundy color, thick and luxurious and all of the furniture in the room looked like antique with dark wood and it screamed money.  She had a huge king size bed, armoire, dresser and two bedside tables.  It was magnificent looking.  

She walked over to her dresser, opened it and pulled out an envelope containing two tickets to the New York Philharmonic's Vivaldi Series.  God!  Dom was going to die over this and I couldn't wait to surprise him! 

"This means the world to me, Valentina" I said hugging the woman.  

"It's my pleasure, darling and you know any woman that can handle this life and love my son with reckless abandon, deserves every bit of what I can offer.  He's so in love with you, Camille.  It reminds me of his father and I; I knew how much he loved me because I felt the same love for him as well.  Enjoy every minute you have with each other and never take it for granted."  Her words were spoken with a sad undertone of someone who'd experienced the loss of her mate way before it was time.  

"Thank you" I told her.  "I love him with every part of my heart, soul, mind and body.  I never realized just how big the capacity of our hearts are when it comes to loving someone."  

She nodded and then added "Well, shall we go and rejoin them?"  I told her definitely, as I slid the envelope into my clutch and followed her to the library.  I couldn't wait to get home and give Dominic his second gift. 

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