Chapter 75 (Just revised)

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(Camille's POV)

I busied myself in the kitchen whipping up the lasagna Verdi al forno for lunch and a tomato focaccia bread to go along with it; fresh herbs, spinach and cheeses filling up the house with their wonderful odors and for dessert I had a wonderful recipe for ricotta pie that would surely wow the men folk. 

I touched my lips for a moment and thought back to when Dominic kissed me in his study, how good his lips felt on mine, the way his mouth tasted and I knew now that I would never get enough of him;  he'd made sure of that. 

I really wanted to talk to him about our future, as far as having children, my continuing to work, that sort of thing.  He wanted kids of that I was sure because he'd already told me that he couldn't wait to see my belly swollen with our child. 

God! Just the way he said that simple phrase made me weak in the knees.   He was 100% Italian through-and-through;  from the way he ran his business to the way he made love to me in the bedroom, so fiery and full of passion.  I may not be 100% Italian,  but I could never think of myself as anything less than now.  I had even taken to calling myself Giovanni instead of Devereaux;  I couldn't help it, it was my heritage now and one that I would always be proud of it. 

When I had completed putting on the finishing touches to the lasagna and putting it into the oven,  I set the table and grabbed a bottle of Italian Gavi white wine which would pair nicely with the entree.  Once I'd finished setting the table,  I walked towards Dom's study to give them an update on the food.

As I knocked softly, I was met by his rich voice. 

"Come in, tesoro" he called out.  I confidently walked in, went to his desk and placed myself in his lap and graced him with a kiss on his forehead. 

"Other than not being able to stay away from me, cara, what did you need?" he playfully asked.

I scoffed at his arrogance, one of the many enduring characteristics I loved about him. 

"ll pranzo e' quasi pronto (lunch is almost ready)" I conveyed in perfect Italian. 

"Cosi' sexy quando si parlo tesoro italiano (so sexy when you speak Italian sweetheart)" he answered me back. 

"Ti amo (I love you)" I responded.  We were so caught up in our little conversation that we had forgotten the audience in the room until Beni cleared his throat, reminding us. 

I giggled and said "Scusa (sorry)." 

Fino spoke up and asked "So what is our beautiful queen feeding us for lunch today?" 

I smiled and said "Something I've never made for you guys before,  but I used to make it for my da...Paul, that is, all the time.  It's lasagna Verdi al forno and I made homemade tomato focaccia bread. Dessert is a surprise though." 

They all started whining like little boys at that statement, which just made me laugh. "Come on" I said getting off of Dom's lap. "Let's get you fed.  I have business with your boss later and I want to make sure we are uninterrupted" I winked at him as I walked by. 

Fino just muttered "Merda (shit), Boss. You'd better hang on to her." Dominic gave him a tap on the back of his head but Fino knew he meant nothing by it.

I grabbed an ovenmit and took the fresh bread from the oven, cutting it into squares,  I arranged it in a nice breadbasket I had found in one of the upper cabinets; it smelled so good.  Next I took the two large pans of lasagna out of the oven, set them on trivets so the air could get under the dishes to start cooling it off and then I could cut nice sized squares and load up the plates. 

Dante was the first to arrive for his plate. 

"Grazie" his baritone voice rang out and kissing my cheek.  Then Beni, Carlo, Fino and finally Dom.  We just stood there,  gazing into each other's eyes for just a moment before I handed him his plate,  but instead of me getting a kiss on the cheek like from the others,  I got a full blown kiss on the lips and a sultry "My queen" from his sexy lips that just made me want him more. 

He smirked at me,  knowing very good and well what he was doing to me, but I loved him for it. When we eventually got to the table, the men had waited on us and then all stood up so I could sit down. 

"Everyone have what they need?" I asked as I took the binding off the wine bottle. 

"Si' (yes)" they all answered. 

"Dig in" I said as I poured the wine. "So, Dante, did you ever call Liv?" I asked as he stopped his fork mid-air. 

"Uh, no.  Was kind of busy with, you know, things. I am going to call her though, I promise" he said slightly embarrassed. 

"I really think you should" I needled. "She really thought you were sexy."  That just brought out a raucous laughter from everyone else at the table. 

"Okay, Dante" said Carlo. "Spill. Who's Liv?"  Inquiring minds definitely wanted to know. 

"She's a uh nurse at Camille's lady doctor's office" he managed to get out. 

"Ohhh, a nurse" Fino said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "She can give you a thorough check up anytime you need one!" he guffawed.  Dante was a good sport and took it all in stride as we continued eating, laughing and joking and then it was time to bring out the dessert.

"Alright you guys, here it is!" I said excitedly. "Ricotta pie!"  I got lots of oh's and ah's when I brought the pie plate to the table. 

"Holy God!" Beni breathed as he took a bite. He got a little red as we all looked at him. 

"That good, Ben?" asked Dom. He nodded vigorously.  

"You have no idea" he said mid-chew.  When we finally finished our meal, the guys did something that I'd never seen them do before. 

"We'll clean up, Camille" Fino said. 

"Yep, we got this" from Carlo. 

"Aw, you guys" I said. "Grazie" was all they needed to hear as they started clearing up the plates and other items.  

Dom leaned over and whispered "Are you ready for bed?" 

Those five little words made my body ache as I said "Lead the way."

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