Chapter 31 (Just revised)

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Camille had knocked the breath from my body when she admitted she loved me.  I couldn't believe she felt that way already; I had hoped but I didn't want to rush her into anything.  I hadn't told her yet but I was very glad that she had agreed to give Antonio a chance; he really was a good man, good ally and good friend.

  I rolled onto my left side and looked at her as she slept.  Her face was smooth and beautiful, her lips full and natural; she was truly stunning.  I smiled when I thought about what beautiful children we would make and how much I would enjoy making them; I could feel my erection growing as I imagined her beautiful body underneath me.  I rolled over, placing myself above her body and brought my lips down to her neck sucking and licking her skin; she tasted so good. 

 "I want you" I breathed against her skin.  

"Then have me" she answered, her voice husky from sleep.  I grabbed a condom from the bedside table drawer, tore open the package and rolled it on to my shaft.  I flipped Camille onto her stomach, placing kisses down the middle of her back as she called out my name softly.  I lifted her up by her waist so she was on her knees, her chest flat on the bed.  

"You look so sexy like this" I told her. 

 "Please Dom" she begged me. 

 "What do you want baby?" I asked her, rubbing my erection inside her folds. 

 "I want to feel you inside me, now" she demanded.  I slowly pushed into her, going a little deeper than I had before.  "Ah!  Yes!" she cried.

  "Can you take more?" I pushed her. 

 "Yes!" she gasped as I moved inside her more.  

"No more!" she gritted through clinched teeth.  After what she said I started to thrust gently; her arousal making it easy to slide in and out of her. 

 "How's that feel baby, huh?" I grunted.  The sound of her moaning and how she clinched around me made it hard to concentrate; I had to will my body not to release. 

 "Dominic" she gasped.  "Faster" she begged.  I felt her hands reach back and grab onto my thighs, digging her nails in as she shouted my name, her orgasm  ripping through her body.  My cock thickened as I could feel my hot liquid leave my body and fill up the end of the condom. 

 "Jesus" I said panting and falling onto her back.

"I wish we could just stay in bed" she remarked wistfully as we headed to the shower.  "Dom, with everything that has been going on lately I'm a little worried about Cassie and our shop" she said honestly as we dressed after our shower. 

 "I figured as much" I said.  "That's why I reassigned Dino.  I know they have a thing for each other and I trust him to keep her safe.  I have eyes and ears all over that block as well so your business is safe" I reassured her.  She stood on the tips of her toes, wrapped her arms around my neck, I knew she wanted me to pick her up. 

 She gave me the most beautiful kiss and whispered "Thank you" in her sweet voice. 

 "If it gets me kissed like that, tell me what else I can do for you, cara" I said back.  She threw her head back and laughed; I loved that sound.

"Dominic, I'm running out of clothes too" she told me.  I told her that I would get Dino to have Cassie gather up anything she might need.  She seemed happy with that and I was glad that she didn't try to fight me on staying here; I knew I could keep her safe here.  "Who all will be in the house around supper time?" she asked.  I thought it was a strange question but I answered her anyway.

  "Beni, Carlo, Fino and Dante.  Plus us" I said. 

 "Okay" she answered happily and I left her in the kitchen doing God knows what but it kept her busy, so that made me happy.

  I passed Beni on the way to my office and said "Come."  We had a scheduled phone call with Alexi regarding Viktor and I could tell by the tone of his text I wasn't going to like it.  

"Dominic" his thick Russian accent coming over the speaker phone. 

 "Alexi" I said.  He blew out a frustrated breath.  

"He's been careful covering his tracks but there are some things that aren't adding up.  I have placed a man, loyal to me, undercover trying to get in good with Viktor.  I am hoping that he's arrogant enough to let his guard down and say or do something around my man that will, how you say 'put the nail in his coffin'?"  Alexi was not a man to be fucked with. 

 "So what is he wanting with Camille and Antonio?" I asked. 

 "Word is he wants Antonio's connections, even though they mostly mirror yours and he figures if he has his daughter that will further his cause and give him more leverage" the man answered.  The thought of that pissed me off.

  "I'm not worried about man power" I told him.  "Between us and Antonio's men we can most assuredly put him out of commission.  What concerns me is him getting his hand's on Camille.  I will end his miserable life right where he stands if he tries to harm her in any way" I promised. 

 "Things are serious between you two, no?" he asked.

  "They are" I replied honestly.

  "That's good my friend.  One thing I can tell you, even in our line of work, it behooves us to have someone that can take us away from all this shit we deal with.  Some would call it weakness, I call it our greatest strength" he said wisely.  I knew he was right.  She would always be my rock, my strength and hopefully I would be her's.

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