Chapter 74 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

"What do you want to know?" Dom asked her.  

"Who came up with the plan to use you as bait?" she asked, her voice a little stressed.  

He rubbed his chin before answering and said "Well it was actually Alexi and I.  Since Viktor was greedy and power-hungry Alexi worked with some of his girls and devised a plan using one of his massage parlors as a way to hook him in.  Alexi also had an inside man that was placed undercover to get close to Viktor so we could figure out what his next moves were.  

The ruse worked.  He thought the parlor was losing money and that the owner needed someone to bail her out of her financial woes.  What better way to trick someone like Viktor than with money, title and pussy."  Well that was straight to the point she thought as he continued. 

"Dante's part was set up by me.  I asked him to reach out to mutual contacts to put out the word that he had become disillusioned with me and wanted out.  Sure enough about two weeks ago Viktor reached out to Dante and the final plan was put into motion.  

We had a meeting set up at the warehouse where Viktor and his men would show up, Dante would turn me over to him but then Viktor strayed from the plan, used my phone to get you there and then turned the gun on me.  That's where everything went wrong.  After that I'm not sure, just what my men told me happened.  My turn now" he said looking straight at her.

"What was going through your head, bella?" he asked her.  She swallowed hard as her mind went back to that horrible time, what she did and how she would never be able to take any of it back.  

"Well" she started.  "I just thought it was extremely not like you to ask for me to be brought to your warehouse; I knew you wanted to keep me as far away from your business as possible.  That was the first thing that made me think something was wrong, so I grabbed my gun, instinct to protect I guess.  

Then when I saw Dante and he pulled a gun on me I asked him what did he do and that's when we both heard the shot, he and Viktor argued, then Viktor pointed the gun at Dante and told him he was no longer relative to his plans and he shot at him.  I could tell where he was pointing the gun that Dante didn't stand a chance so I bumped him.  Viktor got so angry" she said, her voice barely a whisper.  

"I had already pulled my gun out and clicked off the safety and as I did this I could hear your words about making sure that once I pointed it at someone to be prepared to end them.  I shot him in the throat and while he lay there, choking and gurgling on his blood, I stood over him and put my boot on his chest and said this was for you and I shot him between the eyes.  When I knew he was dead I ran in to find you bleeding out and barely breathing.  I've never been so scared in all my life" she said, sobbing at this point.  He pulled her to him, placing her in his lap, and held her while she cried.  

"I killed someone, Dominic!  I took someone's life" she cried.  Holding her tight, he stroked her hair and told her that it would be okay; that it was kill or be killed.  She knew he was right but she watched a person's life force drain from their body and it was at her hands.

He felt her slide her fingers into his hair as she turned her body to straddle his lap, her soft, moist lips making contact with his.   

"Oh Dominic" she breathed as her lips moved from his mouth to the sensitized skin on his neck.  He left forth an animal groan as he unbuttoned the romper from her body, leaving her naked from the waist up.  

"God you are so beautiful" he whispered as she went back to work on his neck.  Just then she stopped.  

"Dom, I didn't shut the door" she giggled; looking over he realized that the study door was wide open and he knew his men were just feet away in the kitchen.  He cursed, throwing his head back against the couch and rubbing his face.  Picking up the top of her outfit, he helped her pull it back to cover her modesty.  

"I'll tell you what" she started as she slipped both her hands under his shirt and pushed them up his chest.  "I'll fix us all lunch, we'll sit down and eat as a family, you'll do your boss thing and then the rest of the day and night we belong to each other.  How does that sound?" she asked, playing with his nipples and making his dick painfully hard.  

He gasped as she pushed harder into his groin and gritted "Okay, but I can't promise that I will be gentle with you.  It's been a very long time since I've that that luscious body underneath me" he finished but not before licking up along her jawline causing her to shudder.  

"I wouldn't have it any other way" she mumbled, getting up from his lap.  She looked down at the noticeable bulge in his pants and asked "Do you need a minute?"  He bit his lower lip and nodded.  She lowered her mouth to his, once more and then headed to the kitchen.  

"Jesus Christ" he muttered adjusting himself, trying to will the hard on away but it wasn't working to well.  He would definitely take it out on her later in bed and he looked forward to making her scream out his name.

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