Chapter 26 (Just revised)

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"I need some air" I told Dominic walking towards an open set of French doors.  He nodded and took my arm, not saying anything at this point and I imagined it's because he really didn't know what to say.  Who would?  The grounds were pristine and immaculately kept; my eyes roving over the different types of roses and wild flowers and ever now and again the wind would catch the fragrance just right and bring it closer filling the air with their scent. 

 "How long have you known Antonio?" I asked looking up at Dominic.  

He rubbed his chin before answering me and then said "Over thirty years.  He was friends with my father before he and my mother were married."  Okay that's a long time I thought. 

 "Then I guess it would be fair to say you and your family trust him?"  I was going to kill him with questions but I had a right to know about the man claiming to be my father.  He sighed and it sounded frustrated. 

 "Camille you're going to have to talk to him at some point" he said.  

"I realize this" I said maybe a little snappy.  "Shit, Dom.  I'm sorry" I said turning to go.  He grabbed my arm.

  "Don't walk away angry, tesoro" he said gently.  I went into his offered arms to find some kind of peace or comfort, I'm not sure what at this point.  I was about to ask him to go and find Antonio when my phone buzzed, hoping it was Cassie I pulled it from my clutch.  It was; I put her on speaker.

"What did you find, Cas?" I asked anxiously. 

 "Is Dominic with you?" she asked.  Why would she ask that? 

 "Um, yes he is" I answered. 

 "Good, you'll need the support" she responded.  Oh God!  What did she find?  "Cam, there was a picture in your dad's box, the one of him and your mom, she was pregnant with you" she started.  

Okay I remember that picture.  

"I dropped it on accident and the back came off.  An envelope fell out and it was addressed to you; I read it Camille.  You definitely need to hear what it says; also it was dated six months before your dad passed away" she said with such conviction there had to be something to it. 

 "Cassie, read it please" I asked.

My dearest Camille,

I'm assuming if you are reading this it means that I have passed away and never got the chance to tell you this in person.  As far as I'm concerned you have always been my daughter and I have always been your dad, just not biologically.  

When you were two, before your mother left us, we had one of our arguments and she finally told me the truth on how she came to be pregnant with you.  When I met her she was already with child but I loved her and told her that I would help raise you and never ask about the real father; she agreed and all was well until three months before she left.

  I'd always known about her mental illness but she was on medication and when I could get her to take it regularly we were a happy family; we always struggled with this.  She would start feeling fine and thought she could just quit taking them; I couldn't convince her it was because of the medication she felt better. 

 She said she'd met a young man in Italy and he was in love with her but she did not feel the same way.  They were together once and it only took that one time to make you.  Your mother said she found out when she got back to America but I think she knew before then and that's why she left Italy.

  I felt bad for the man; I knew how great it felt being your dad for only two short years and I couldn't imagine going twenty something years not knowing you have a child out there somewhere.  I eventually got her to tell me his name, so in case he should ever try and find you, you would at least know.  His name is Antonio Giovanni and apparently his family is very well to do and connected here in the states and Italy.  

Please take a chance and at least try to get to know him; he will immediately see what I've known all your life and that is you are amazing, beautiful, compassionate, kind and smart...I could go on.  I love you Cammie and I hope that you are happy with life and have found your way and I also hope that you find someone that will treasure you like the priceless gift you are.

Love always and forever,


I was sobbing by this point and I could tell that Cassie was crying also.  How could I have gone so long and not known that this letter was there?  I let the anger I felt towards my mother keep me from knowing the truth about how I came to be in this world.  I also was a little angry at my dad for not telling me when he had all those years,  but I would never know the state of mind he was in and why he chose to write a letter instead of just telling me face-to-face. 

 "Cassie, thank you" I said, my voice hoarse from crying.  I heard her sniff.

  "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, hon" she said.  "I will put the letter back where I found it, okay?  Do you need anything else?" she asked. 

 "No, thank you though.  Uh, I will call you later" I said as we hung up.  Dominic had squatted down in front of me, his eyes telling me he desperately wanted to do something for me but he didn't know what.  "Just be here for me" I said reading his thoughts.  

He nodded, stood up and asked "Do you want me to find Antonio now?"  I nodded; fiddling with my necklace I fell deep into my thoughts.  I had so many questions now.  Would Antonio be able to give me the answers I needed?  My dad's letter said he was 'connected'; did that mean what I thought it meant?  Was I always destined to be in 'the family'?

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