Chapter 46 (Just revised)

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It was eight o'clock and I hadn't heard from Dominic all day.  I was done, we were going to have a showdown.  I couldn't take living like this anymore.  Walking around on eggshells, not knowing what to say, when to say it or how to say it without sounding like I was a whiny bitch.  

  "Dante!" I called from upstairs.  

"Camille?" he responded immediately.  

"I want you to please find out where Dominic is and take me to him, right now.  I can't do this anymore" I warned.  I could tell it in his voice I wouldn't like the outcome but I wasn't going to live with my head buried in the sand and hoping it would all be okay. 

 "Alright, if that's what you want" he murmured.  I pulled on some nice jeans, flats (my knee was still a little on the mend) a red silk button down shirt, tucked in and a wide, black belt. 

 "Let's go" I demanded coming downstairs.  I tried to come up with every conceivable scenario that I might see but you are still never quite prepared for it though.

I walked in, the music blaring, the place was packed for a Wednesday and walked past Barbie who gave me a very sympathetic look and at first I couldn't understand why until I saw it.  Dominic with a very naked Angel on his lap, her tits in his face and her grinding all up on him.  It made me sick.  Our eyes contacted and he knew in that very moment that he'd fucked up royally. 

 I looked at Dante and mouthed "Please take me home."  I turned around and walked out, with my head held high and no tears until I got into the car and we were on the highway and then the damn burst.  The weight of this world, his world, was crushing me; I couldn't breath.  I sobbed the entire ride home and when we pulled into the drive way I asked Dante to please help me move my things into the guest room furthest away from Dom. 

 My hands were shaking as I reached behind my head and unclasped the necklace and laid it on the counter and then I slid off the ring and laid it inside the necklace; grabbing a piece of paper I wrote Dominic a note...Dominic, I have no idea what's been going on with you the last week but I have tried to keep my distance and not suffocate you but you have done a terrific job of shutting me out. I will not insult your intelligence by saying I even understand what I saw tonight but rest assured if I see her anywhere near you again, much less her tits in your face, I will cut her. When I took your necklace it was a pledge of my loyalty, which you are such a huge proponent of, to be your girlfriend and when I took your ring it was to show the world that there would never be anyone but you, ever. I hold my promises close to my heart and that is why I am still here. You need to re-evaluate and decide if I am what you really want. When you make your decision, whatever it may be, I will be here to talk. I really do love you, C  With a heavy and sad heart I left the room and closed the door.

"What are you doing, Camille?" I asked myself out loud.  "Is he really worth all of this?"  I let out a long and frustrated breath trying to come up with the pros and cons of being with a man like Dominic Giossi; to be honest there were more cons than pros but I knew I would never be able to walk away unless that's what he wanted; I had left him a way out.  I missed him already; I wasn't meant to sleep alone any more.  I didn't want to; I wanted him in my bed.  I wanted to be his wife and the mother of his children.  I knew I wanted him but did he really want me or just the image of what I represented.  I would not be in one of those relationships where I sat up all night wondering where my husband was, what he was doing or who he was doing; I refused.

I knew he had come home, I could hear him stumbling up the stairs and then I heard the door hit the wall and imagined he was making his way into the bathroom to find my note and the jewelry.  I could see him with that same look he had on his face that night at the hotel but then again I don't know why I was feeling this way when he is the one who clearly screwed up. "Fuck me! I'm so confused!" I screamed into my pillow; this was going to be a long freakin night. 

After spending a sleepless night, I had a brilliant thought...nothing made me feel better than a bath and a bottle of wine, so I tip toed down the hall, down the stairs, to the kitchen, grabbed a glass, corkscrew and an unopened bottle of red wine and snuck back up to my room and drew my bath.  While the tub was filling with water I got the wine opened and poured my first glass.  Damn that was the biggest bottle of red I'd ever seen.  Super size me!  I laughed to myself as I got undressed.  I took my phone and earbuds with me into the bathroom and just decided to make this a girl night out, as in singular, loser...I was so being to hard on myself.

I was half way into the bottle and feeling so fine!  My face was numb but I just kept pouring and drinking and soon I couldn't remember where I was much less what I was doing but then my favorite Prince song from Pretty Woman came on and I had a flashback to the bathtub scene and started singing as loud as I could "Don't have to be rich to be my girl, don't have to be cool to rule my world, ain't no particular sign I'm compatible with, I just need your extra time and your kiss!" (complete with kissing noises!)  

And then I was embarrassed, humiliated, wanted a hole to open me up and swallow me whole...Dominic Giossi was standing in my bathroom smirking at me! 

 "You" I said pointing to him.  "You're mean" I continued, drunk as could be.  He was just leaning up against the doorway, arms crossed against his broad chest and feet crossed at the ankles.

  "Am I now?" he asked.  I just nodded like a petulant five year old. 

 I laid my head down on my folded arms and said "I really love him, you know?  But he's too stubborn to let me in!"  He grabbed a towel and came over to help me out of the tub. 

 "Who do you love, tesoro?" he questioned, finally getting me to my feet.  

"Dom" I sighed but then added "Don't tell him though."  

He laughed at me and said "You're secret is safe with me.  Come on, out you go."  He dried me off, dressed me and put me to bed and of course he stayed with me.  I knew I would have a killer headache come morning.  I rolled over and laid my head on his naked chest and inhaled.  

"You smell really nice" I said softly and then I was out.

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