Chapter 53 (Just revised)

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I laid in bed for a long time last night after talking with Camille, replaying our conversation over an over until I eventually fell asleep and good thing because the morning came too soon.  Stretching, I rolled out of bed and headed for the shower, thinking about what I would say to her when I saw her.  

It had been a hard couple of months, on her as well as myself, but I had heeded Beni's advice and didn't contact her.  He said that she needed time to process what had happened and when she was ready, she would reach out to me.  I knew he was right and it was an exercise in discipline to not race right over to Dino's.

She still was not safe and the fact that she was out from under my roof made it much more difficult to keep her that way.  I don't know how Antonio found out, seems news travels fast when people have nothing better to do than wag their tongues like desperate housewives; but he chewed me up one side and down the other and after calming down I was able to talk with him about it and while he wanted to remain impartial, he gave some good advice.  

One thing my father always imparted to me was when advice is given from those you trust and hold close it would behoove you to listen to it.  I took in everything that Antonio told me, the good with the bad, knowing he only wanted what was best for his daughter, I looked deeper within and found that his words almost mirrored what Alexi had told me and that was she was not my weakness, she was definitely my strength; and my mother would say that behind every great man was a good woman supporting his greatness.  Toweling off I headed for the closet and pulled out a faded pair of work jeans, a Metallica tank shirt and my tennis shoes, I got dressed and headed down for some much needed coffee.

"Boss" Beni greeted me as I walked into the kitchen.  I nodded as I grabbed a coffee cup and filled it up.  I noticed Beni, Dante, Carlo and Fino were all just looking at me and it was unnerving.  

"No suits today" I said.  "Work clothes.  We are going to Camille's shop.  The adjuster has given the go-ahead for the repairs and possible demolition but she is going in today to see what can be salvaged." 

 Dante looked at me and asked "You talked with her?"  I nodded and said "I did."  He just grinned but knew better than to say anything.  "We leave in twenty" I said heading to my study.  Every day I walked in there I was in awe of Amelia and her magic; there was no evidence of the atomic state it was in a couple of months ago.  At any rate, she needed a raise having to put up with me and my temper.  I felt my phone vibrate so I pulled it from my pocket and answered it.  

"Giossi" I said coldly.  "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Dominic Giossi" the disembodied voice goaded. 

 "Viktor" I growled.  "You spineless son of a bitch!" I shouted.  I knew he was trying to push my buttons and I had to take a deep breath and get control of myself.  

"Camille is so very beautiful, isn't she?" he continued as I stalked towards the kitchen.

I mouthed at Beni It's Viktor, get a trace! and returned my attentions back to the asshole on the other end of the phone.

  "What do you want?" I asked, my voice turned to ice. 

 "What any man wants; the money, the power and the girl" he responded. 

 "Viktor, you had all of that.  Alexi trusted you and he would have eventually turned it all over to you as the next head of the Russian mob but you betrayed us all and the only thing you will get for that is what kind of marker you want on your tombstone" I threatened.  He became unhinged at that point. 

 "Alexi needs to know that his time is over!  He's not the man for the job anymore!  He's become soft and it's sickening!" he screamed.  I just laughed at his ignorance.

  "I think Isack would beg to differ with that analogy.  The last time I saw him, he was missing his teeth, fingernails, skin and some hair and right before Alexi put a bullet in his brain, I busted his kneecap with a sledgehammer; after that he was more than willing to talk about you" I told him, my voice deathly calm.  I had to keep him talking.  The last thing he said made my blood run cold. 

 "I'm coming for him.  I'm coming for you and everything and everyone you love.  There will be nothing left when I'm through with all of you.  Don't bother tracing this call.  I will be gone before you can find me" he said hanging up.

"We didn't get an exact location.  He hung up before it could finishing pinpointing.  It showed he was somewhere in Brooklyn" Beni told me. 

 "Goddamn it!" I shouted.  This prick was seriously starting to get on my last nerves.  The next call I made was to Alexi.  I filled him in on the conversation and asked if there was a chance that we needed to be concerned about our businesses. 

 "Dominic, Josef has assured me that he's crazy, a legend in his own mind.  Everyone that he has approached about doing business with him has told him as much.  He's just a rabid dog that needs to be put down.  The end is coming soon, my friend.  I have put my girls in place, set up a 'massage palace' that will guarantee happy endings for all of it's clients and I have put out false information that it is hemorrhaging money and the owner is looking for help to bring it back to life.  He won't be able to resist the lure of money and pussy.  I'll keep you informed" he replied. 

 It was time for this shit to end.

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