Chapter 20 (Just revised)

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To say that I'm not scared about being in a relationship with Dominic Giossi is not true, I'm terrified!  But I am willing to let go of the fear if it means having him in my life.  I'm surely not the only woman in the world to be in a meaningful relationship with a dangerous man.  Was I trying to convince myself?  Maybe...We sat on his couch and continued talking and what made it so great was the conversation didn't feel forced, it flowed between us naturally. 

 He was crazy smart, funny, passionate and compassionate where his family was concerned.  I talked to him about my dad, my mom and I confided in him telling him about Jackson, my ex-boyfriend from California.  I had to hold back laughing at how mad he got when I told him about Jackson cheating on me; I was afraid he might put a hit out on him!  

"So" I started, still sitting quite comfortably in his lap "What are we doing the rest of the day?"  

He swooped me up, carried me to his bed and dropped me so I bounced a little, hovered above me and said "What do you want to do, cara?"  He was driving me crazy running his nose up and down the side of my neck.  I pulled his shirt above his head and threw it on the floor, then grabbed the hem of mine and jerked it off, letting it join his on the floor; his eyes darkening like the night and being transparent at the same time.  He pushed his crotch into mine and I lifted my hips to answer him back causing him to groan; sending the signal loud and clear.

"Dominic" I said panting, as we laid sideways on his bed; my head on his chest listening to his galloping heartbeat.

  "Are you satisfied?" he asked stroking my arm.  

I rolled on top of him, just falling into his eyes and answered "For now."  He laughed as he rolled us again putting himself back on top, capturing my hands by my head he playfully nipped at my neck.  I could feel him getting hard again and I needed to put a stop to it or I wouldn't be walking anywhere tomorrow.  The man was huge, I still couldn't accommodate his full size, he was too much for my small body. 

 "Lord, Dominic, control yourself!" I joked.  He kissed me, sighed and rolled off me and headed to the bathroom; the sight of him walking away was enough to give you a heart attack!  The man's ass was nothing short of spectacular.  I grabbed my phone and called Cassie. 

 "Hey woman" I called out to her. 

 "Cam, what the hell is going on?" she asked.  

"I guess you've spoken with Dino then?" I asked. 

 I heard her scoff "Uh yeah.  So, you and Dominic are back on again?" she questioned.  I sighed.  

"Yes we are, Cassie.  You know how I feel and honestly I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and one more chance." I said knowing I couldn't lie to her.  

She chuckled and said "Well I wouldn't expect anything less from you.  I just hope he knows how lucky he is."  I could tell she was glad to hear from me so we talked about the store and that I would be back next week.  I'm glad I called her, now everything felt as it should.

I walked into the bathroom, naked and leaned up against the counter and stared at a very wet Dominic; the water rolling down his hard, lean body was nothing short of a work of art. 

 "Are you coming in or are you just going to stand their stalking me?" he smirked.  God he was arrogant, beautiful and sexy but completely arrogant; and he was mine.  I shook my head, smiling as I headed towards his shower knowing what would happen if I joined him and to be honest I wanted nothing more than for him to take me against the wall so before coming in I'd grabbed a condom because I believed in always being prepared.

  I stepped inside the shower and waved the condom at him; he pushed me to the shower wall, pushed my arms above my head, his erection growing by the minute.  I groaned and begged him to take me, begged him to fuck me.  Let's just say I ended up screaming his name over and over as I climaxed.

Dominic said he'd be in the kitchen and to come find him when I was dressed, I received a very nice kiss before he left the room. I pulled out a pair of black dress shorts and a black lace tee shirt, dried my hair, applied cherry lip balm and headed to the kitchen.  When I got downstairs I could see what looked like candle light flickering and something smelled mouthwatering. 

 "What's this?" I asked as he smiled at me. 

 "Well" he began "Since our dinner got interrupted I thought tonight would be the perfect night to recreate it for you" he finished holding out my chair.

We had fried green beans for the appetizer, filet mignon, whipped sweet potatoes and grilled seasoned veggies.  

"It smells heavenly, Dom.  Thank you" I said holding his face and gave him a peck on his cheek. 

 "I hope you're hungry" he said pouring our wine. 

 "Famished" I replied.   I really enjoyed knowing our time was that important to him and I found that he was willing to talk some more about his life.  After we finished dinner he said he had two more surprises for me; he walked behind me and put something around my was a very feminine, petite necklace that spelled out Giossi in diamonds. 

 "I want you to wear this" he said.  "I'm asking you to be mine" his voice serious. 

 I turned around and got on my knees in my chair, snaking my arms around his neck I pulled him to my mouth and said "Dominic I was yours the moment I saw you" I whispered as I kissed him slowly and with purpose.  When we finished I asked what my other surprise was; he motioned for me to come to the middle of the kitchen floor.  

As I walked to where he was he pushed play on the CD player.  It was John Mayer Slow Dancing in a Burning Room.  He remembered!  He walked slowly to me, reached around to cup my behind and he lifted me up instructing me to wrap my legs around his waist; I gently stroked his hair as we moved around the kitchen as one body.  No matter what happened going forward, this man had my heart.

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