Chapter 86 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

She felt soft, tiny kisses being placed on her shoulder and moving down her arm; she smiled and rolled over to see a fully dressed Dominic gazing at her like he wanted to snack on her.  

"Babe, we are an hour away" he announced.  She sat up, the sheet falling from her naked body, giving him the thrill of a lifetime with her sexy bed hair.  

"You mean I slept for four and a half hours?" she asked incredulously.  He nodded, grinning the whole time at her as she stepped from the bed and placed her warm body against his.  "Curse you for being so sexy and wearing me out" she purred in his arms and his growing erection pushing into her.  "Uh, no, Mr. Giossi.  Save it for later" she said jokingly pushing him away from her.  "I have to try and put myself back together" she called from the bathroom.  

"That won't be too hard, you are already perfect" he said flattering her and using anything and everything he could come up with.  

"You know I have a weakness for your sugary words" she murmured, looking him up and down in 'that' way.  He leaned back against the dresser, his arms behind his head and looking pretty proud of himself at the moment.  She laughed grabbing her clothes that had been tossed to the floor earlier and said "I will see you in a moment" and closed the bathroom door.  

"Damn that woman" he mumbled as he adjusted his cock.

About ten minutes later, Camille came out of the bedroom, suitcases in tow, and took her seat next to her husband.  "Would you like anything to drink" he asked.  

"I would love some orange juice or cran-apple juice.  That would be great" she answered smiling.  Dom snapped his fingers for Stephanie, who had a very fake smile plastered on her face now; his threats still ringing in her ears.  

"Yes, Mr. Giossi?  What may I get for you?" she asked pleasantly, but just.  

"Do you have cran-apple juice?" he asked.  

She nodded and said "We do."  

"Two of those, please and thank you Stephanie" he added, knowing it would piss her off to no end.  He'd made the mistake of bedding her, only once, and it was three years ago but she just couldn't let it go but maybe she would now that he'd gotten his stance across loud and clear.

Dom filled Camille in on Armand, her father's driver, coming to pick them up and driving them to their destination, which he'd still not divulged.  He honestly couldn't wait to see her face when they got to the villa.  

Antonio had already sent him pictures of the finished product and it looked amazing!  He knew they would enjoy their time there and because it was in the family, any time they visit they will be able to stay here, a wedding gift from Antonio; something he would tell Camille when they saw him in a couple of days.  He was due to fly back in on Tuesday, so that gave he and his wife the rest of the day Sunday and all day Monday and part of the day Tuesday; they would be seeing her father for dinner Tuesday evening.  

"Are you excited" he asked her, his eyes sparkling.  She nodded and giggled.  

"I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it!  And you know something else I was thinking about?" she asked, her expression a little serious now.  "How wonderful would it be, if we got pregnant here in Italy?"  Dom grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, bestowing a small but meaningful kiss on her skin.  

"It would truly be wonderful, bella" he said smiling.

"This is your captain speaking.  We are about to begin our descent into Florence, Italy.  It's approximately eleven-fifteen a.m., skies are blue and lots of sunshine.  Stephanie if you can ready everything and secure the cabin, take a seat and buckle yourself in, we'll be landing shortly.  Thank you" Marc said.  

Camille squeezed Dom's hand as she smiled her beautiful smile at him; he needed to tell her what it meant to him every time she looked at him like that, like he was the only man in the world for her and it made him feel satisfied.  He looked down at his father's wedding band and then looked at her gorgeous rings, her tiny finger making it look monstrous, but no one could ever say that he skimped on her rings because she only ever deserved the best that money could buy and everything his heart had to offer.  

They could feel the landing gear coming down and the nose of the plane going forward, causing her belly to fill with butterflies; taking off and landing were always the roughest for her, as she took deep breaths knowing it would all be over in just a bit.  Their pilot did a superb job landing the plane, with no jolting just a smooth touchdown as the plane glided to a halt.  Once the plane had completely stopped he announced they could leave their seats.

As they were getting up an older man approached Dom, hugging him, and then grabbing their luggage.  

"Honey, this is Armand.  He works for and helps take care of your dad's place.  Armand, my wife and Antonio's daughter, Camille" Dom introduced.  

Armand took her hand and brought it to his lips and said "You are as beautiful as your father described and you have the same eyes.  Welcome to Florence and congratulations on your marriage."  Camille blushed and told the man thank you as they followed him from the plane, down the stairs and to an awaiting black 2016 Mercedes S600 Series sedan.  

Armand put the luggage in the trunk and then got the door for them, jumped in the front seat and drove off down the runway to a little side road and they began their journey to wherever it was they were going as Dom still wouldn't tell her, just saying it was a surprise.  And what a surprise it was when fifteen minutes later they pulled up in front of the most adorable single story villa that sat up on a small hill; you could look down into the village below.  

This must have been the project that Antonio had been working on.  Camille just couldn't believe what she was seeing when they excited the car; they walked up the few small steps and then Dominic picked her up, bridal style, and said "Welcome home, Mrs. Giossi!"  He carried her over the threshold and all Camille could think was let the honeymoon begin!

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