Chapter 23 (Just revised)

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I couldn't tell if Dominic really wanted me to come along with him to Desideris,  but if I was going to be in a relationship with him that meant taking the good with the bad and I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about my man hanging with strippers,  but this would tell me what I needed to know. 

 No one looked more surprised than Beni when he saw me on Dom's arm.  I just couldn't resist teasing him.  

"It's okay Beni"I said laughing and patting his cheek.  "I've seen naked women before" and slid into the SUV.  I wasn't lying, I really had.  I mean I lived in California for Christ's sake!  It was on a dare and right before I left for college and I found the women to be really sweet and most of them were just regular girls who did something different for a living. 

 I had actually enjoyed myself and I won the dare.  I could see Dominic's jaw clinching so I scooted even closer to him, put my face to his neck and breathed in his scent. 

 "Don't be so tense, baby" I said softly.  "I have been to a strip club before and besides" I said grabbing his crotch and gently squeezing.  "Who are you coming home with?" 

 I laughed as he let out a short breath and mumbled "Jesus, Camille."

I was glad to admit to myself that I was wrong in my assumption of his club.  It was very classy on the outside, it stunk of money and the inside was just as nice.  Everything was state-of-the-art, glass and mirrored walls, brass and wood bars, nice stage areas, DJ booth and the tables and chairs were made of choice wood and covered by expensive fabrics.

  I received a lot of stares from the workers, the patrons and Dominic's men; I had my arm safely tucked into his as we made our way to his booth.  After getting seated a really pretty girl came over, smiling at us and asked Dominic what we wanted to drink. 

 "I'll have what you're having, baby" I said smiling at him.  He ordered scotch on the rocks and while we waited for our drinks the DJ announced the next dancer. 

 "Gentlemen, you asked for her and you got her, she's in your dreams every night, the incredible Angel!"  The DJ was right she was beautiful and I was starting to realize why this table was Dom's table; it was right next to the end of the stage.  She strutted out to Madonna's Justify Your Love which is a damn sexy song and she could move; I was getting aroused just watching her.

As she moved closer to us, she turned her attentions to me, smiling at me and I found myself returning the smile and watching her every move.  The scotch had made me feel bold so when she squatted down in front of us I reached up under my dress and pulled out a hundred dollar bill that was stashed in the lace part of my thigh high stockings. 

 Dominic's eyes turned wide and I mentally told myself that Cassie was getting a raise!  Angel made what she did look sexy as she walked back to the pole and finished up the rest of her routine.  I had crossed my legs, hooking one of them under Dom's, took his hand and placed it on my thigh and then I very discreetly placed my hand on his crotch; I could see him staring at me out of the corner of my eye.

  I felt him lean into me, his breath caressing my ear as he said "You're playing a very dangerous game here, bella."  There was no malice in his eyes only lust.  

"I trust you will teach me how to play this game then, tesoro (darling)" I whispered back.  He gave my thigh a quick squeeze and pat.  

I got to meet Angel after her stage dance; Dominic had already told me about his short fling with her and that it had been over a year ago, I met Barbie, the bartender, and a few other dancers.  I never felt jealous and I never felt threatened; there was no need.  Dom was mine and I was his. 

 He had left me with Carlo for a bit explaining that he had to talk with his dancers about Colette.  He knew I didn't want to know anymore than that, in fact he'd insisted that I not ask him because of the whole plausible deniability thing.  I kept Barbie company at the bar while I waited on Dom.  

"So" she began.  "How did you and the Boss meet?" she asked.  

"I own Coffeecakes, in Little Italy, and his mom hired me for an event, he was there and then a couple of weeks later we saw each other again at Belladonna and the rest is history" I said grinning at her.  She leaned over the bar and signaled me to come closer.  

"I would never say this where he could hear but I think you are really good for him" she said honestly.

  "I think he's pretty good for me too, Barbie" I smiled.  We continued to chat for about thirty more minutes and then Beni came to get me.  I stood and hugged Barbie.  "I'm glad I got to meet you, Barbie" I told her.

  "Me too, Camille" she said. 

 Beni took me to Dominic's office, his hand on the knob but before he turned it he looked at me and said "Thanks for being nice to Barbie.  She really is a good girl."  I could tell he adored her and not wanting to embarrass him I just patted him on the arm and went in through the opened door. 

 Dom was sitting behind his desk and when he heard the door he looked up and signaled for me to come to him.  I stood in front of him, he leaned forward and I felt both of his hands go up under my dress, caressing my thighs.  

"These are sexy" he said, his voice low and sultry.  He took me hard and quick on his desk and then one more time after we got home; the master teaches the student how the game is played.

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