Chapter One

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Senior year... finally. One year to go, and I'm finally out of this hell hole. I have been here for four years too long. Seriously. I hate it. I got dressed in the morning as usual. I wore my favorite dark jeans and my tank top. I looked at my jet black hair in the mirror. Normal. I look exactly the same... yet something was off. Immediately, I remembered and quickly rimmed my upper and some of my lower lids with black liner. I put on my black and white converse that were pretty wrecked.

I look at myself in the mirror and I mark another x on the mirror that shows one of my imperfections. It's a thing I started a couple years ago. Everytime I look in the mirror, I put an x down on the mirror on the parts of myself that I don't like. Everytime that an area improves, I erase an x. But that rarely ever happens. It's not to victimize myself or anything, really. It's just so that I could improve myself. My mirror is so covered in x's that I don't even know how i see myself. After a while, I pat myself down because I feel something is missing still. Then I remember. Immediately, I run to my bedside table and grap my bunched up bracelets and slide them on both of my wrists. There. I'm set. I grabbed my phone and bag and shut my door.

Heading downstairs, I make it to the kitchen. I see my white bowl on the table with cereal already poured into and the milk next to it. My mom in her white cardigan and blonde hair stood by the sink, washing her dish that she has just used. I used to have blonde hair - freshman year. Until I changed it to black. I poured my milk into my cereal.

My mom turned off the water as I took my first bite. "Are you done with this?" she asked, referring to the milk.

I nodded my head. "Yeah," I said with my mouth slightly full.

"Diana, please. Don't talk with your mouth full. Also, would it kill you to wear happier clothing? You make me feel darker just looking at you. We have the money. Use it," she said.

Yes, we're wealthy. No, I don't use that to my advantage. I used to. Not anymore. I learned that the hard way. Anyways, that doesn't matter. "Mom, I'm pretty sure I don't need you to dress me any more," I said, taking another bite of my cereal. Checking the time on my phone, I quickly got up. "I gotta go. First day of school. I don't want to be late," I said.

"Okay, bye," she said. I knew that she waved, cause I saw her from the corner of my eye, but I ignored it and pretended like I didn't see. I walked to the driveway and got into my Lexus. Okay, maybe I splurged into our money a little bit. But hey! I needed a car. I might as well get one that's nice, right?

Immediately, I turned on the engine and placed my phone in my bag and my bag in the passenger seat. I pulled out of the driveway and drove a couple houses down to my "best friend's" house. I only put quotations around it because I'm not exactly sure if she is my best friend. I mean, she says she is, and she acts like she is, but I don't know. Sometimes I feel like she's just like everyone else - fake. But I would never tell her that. Ever. I texted her that I was outside and moved my bag to the back seat.

She soon came into view. She put her bag in my backseat and took the passenger seat. "Hey," she said, sighing.

"Hey, Chasity," I said, greeting her, and soon we were moving again. I think her name was supposed to be Chastity but her parents heard that he way to ensure you're daughter being a hoe was by naming her that. So they named her Chasity.

Chasity sat there on her phone, doing something that I had no interest in probably. "First day of school. Excited?" she asked, dropping her phone in her bag, and zipping it.

I shrugged. "I guess. I mean, it's just another year. It's whatever," I said as we pulled into the school parking lot.

"Pull into that spot," Chasity said, pointing to the best spot in school - AKA the spot that was not meant for me.

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