Chapter Forty

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We arrived at the place around 9:00. It was an 18 and up club, but it was mostly the "and up" that were here. I could tell because everyone that was under 21 had an x on their hand. But that was no problem. Kendall came prepared with hand sanitizer aka the only thing that works when removing sharpie. We put the hand sanitizer on our hands and wiped off our x's. And then we made our way safely to where we, well, I wanted to stay for the rest of the night - the bar.

However, that's not how my plan went. One shot of whatever Kendall got for me had me away from the bar. It loosened me up, but I was far from dunk. Hell, I was far from tipsy. But I felt less uptight. Kendall pushed aside the guy she'd been grinding on for the past ten minutes, and pulled me close to her. I hadn't really been paying attention to her, but since we got here a half hour ago, she's definitely had more than that one shot. I could smell it in her breath.

"You see that guy?" she asked, her words slightly slurred.

I looked to where she was pointing. "Yeah?"

It was the bartender. "He is so cute."

"Go for him," I said. I looked more closely and saw that he was actually quite attractive. He had black hair and gorgeous deep blue eyes. Umph. He was tall, and had a lean torso. But I shrugged off the thought of him.

She shook her head though. "Nuh-uh. He's looking at you."

My eyes widened, and I turned to him again. He was looking at me, and I blushed turning away. "Oh God, he's so cute."

Kendall smiled. "Go for him."

I nodded. "But where's Harry?" I asked.

She stumbled slightly on herself, and clung onto my bare shoulder. "I will take care of him. I got you," she said with a small smile and then quickly pushed me towards the bar.

But, being tipsy, her push did not help much. So, I just walked to the bar instead. Taking a seat, I felt my feet sigh in relief. I didn't realize how much they were hurting. I, being able to closely look, now looked at the man in front of me. His jaw line was perfectly chiseled, and his skin seemingly pore-free. Most definitely not ugly. In fact, one of the hottest guys I've ever seen.

"Hey there," he said, flashing me a smile. And his teeth were the most perfect shade of white. He could not get any more perfect.

I smiled at him. "Can I get a vodka shot," I said, not as a question, placing three dollars on the counter.

He looked me up and down and then at my hand. "And you're 21, I presume?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, do you see an x on my hand?" I asked, looking down with a raised brow.

The man chuckled and poured me my drink into a small shot glass. "Are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just give me my damn shot," I said, feeling slightly more confident.

He put up his hands in a surrender position and slid the shot glass over. "As you wish."

I downed my shot and asked for another one. And he gave me another.


A good seven shots, two rum and cokes, and two ginger ales mixed with whiskey and ice later, I couldn't feel the pain in my feet anymore. I couldn't feel the eyes of everyone in the club judging me. I was officially drunk.

And I was asking for more.

I slammed my glass down after chugging my whiskey. "Another," I said.

He laughed. "Are you sure? That's like your hundredth drink tonight."

"Yes, I am sure." My judgement was obviously clouded, and still, I took down the burning liquid that numbed me. "Another."

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