Chapter Fourteen

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Monday came faster than expected. That's probably because I spent the whole day Sunday with Harry. Sunday was good. I mean, Harry and I got into minor fights throughout the day, but they were always easy to forget because they were so stupid from the beginning anyway. Though, I knew it wouldn't last for long, and Harry went home around 12:00 midnight. I'm almost sure that's what time he went home. I fell asleep in my bed, but when I woke up, he wasn't there.

When I got out of the bedroom, drying my face with a soft face towel, I heard my phone buzz from my bedside drawer. I checked it. Harry. When did I even get his number? Goodmorning it read, and I smiled at it. And I sent back the same message with a smiley face. I set my phone down and changed into leggings and my overly large North Carolina sweater. No, I don't live in North Carolina, but one time on vacation, we had a stopover there, and I was really cold so I got it, and I love it. It's one of my favorite sweaters. Then I slipped on my braceletes, socks, and my black vans.

My phone vibrated. Where are you? And I replied.

Home? Where else.

You're taking you car?

I laughed at his question and typed my reply. No, Harry. I'm taking my magic flying schoolbus that I store in my bathroom.

Then, taking my bag onto my shoulder, I ran down the stairs with my phone in my hand. "Hey, mom," I said with an almost preppy voice. Almost. I laughed at my own thoughts as my phone vibrated. Don't leave. Tell Chasity that you can't pick her up.

My eyes widened. If I told Chasity last minute like that, she'd kick my ass. I can't do that to Chasity. Why can't I pick her up anyways?

Harry replied almost immediately. Come outside.

I smiled at the text. "Wait. Are you smiling?" my mom asked, a large smile plastered on her face.

Rolling my eyes. "Yes, mother. That's what people do. They smile." And this time, when I speak, I mean it.

"Who is that? Is it Louis?" she asked, getting excited.

Dammit. I knew that she liked Louis. "No, mom."

Her smile dimmed, but it didn't quite exactly fade. "Oh. It's that boy. Harry, is it?" she asked.

"Yes, mom. And he told me to come outside, so please... today, try not to be judgemental. Please," I begged. "Okay, I have to go," I said, leaving.

When I walked outside, I saw Harry. "Hi," I greeted him, buting down on my lower lip.

Harry smiled at me. "Hey," he spoke as he pushed his hair back and tucked it under his beanie.

I moved closer to him. "Your eye is better," I said, refrerring to his slightly shaded eye. It was much worse yesterday, but now it looks pretty fine.

He nodded. "Yeah... Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you ready to go to school?" he asked, not exactly knowing why I was confused.

"Y-you're taking me to school?" I asked. Damn. No. I can't be happy, because whenever I'm happy, it always comes back and bites me in the ass.

He nodded. "Yeah. Did you tell Chasity that you can't pick her up."

But I shook my head. "Can't we just pick her up?" I asked.

When he refused, I finally texted her and quickly shut off my phone before she could blow up on me. When we got to school, we saw Louis. His black eye was still obviously there, and his lip was swollen and slightly purple. He looked like a mess, though he still managed to make his hair look amazing. Hm.

I didn't even notice that I was staring until Amanda, on Louis's left side, turned to glare at Harry and me and Harry pulled me away. When we got to my locker, I got my books out, and Harry did the same. "So, are you okay with Amanda?" I asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows, not looking at me. "Um, yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know. Just because... now she knows that we're together or whatever," I said with a shrug.

Harry shut his locker and faced me. "What do you mean she knows?"

"Um... I mean, she just saw us together. Why? You seem so.... angry."

But he shook his head. "Nothing."

"Harry, people are going to know. That's something that we can't help... But if you're not okay with it, then maybe we-"

But Harry silenced me by waving his hand. "No, no. I'm not fucking mad. Okay? I know how a relationship works," he said.

He said relationship. I don't know why, but it made my heart flutter. "Okay..." I trailed off, shutting my locker.

Harry sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I said.

And there was a silence. "Do you want me to walk you?" he asked.

But I shook my head. "No, it's fine," I repeated.

He sighed. "Okay. I'll see you later, then?" he asked.

I nodded. "Okay," I said, and then walked away.

Okay, I know that I'm not in any position to act like this. I know that I'm lucky to have Harry. I know that. I also know that he's new this whole relationship thing. And I get that, I really do. But I can't help it if I like him so much, and he gets worked up about people knowing about us and then acts calm afterwards. I don't know. I just feel so weird about. Like, he's not really different even though I really believe deep inside of me that he is. or at least, I hope he is.

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