Chapter Twenty - Eight

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Person by person. Group by group... my family walked in gave Harry the same reaction and greeting. At first, they smile... then they frown... then they look to me, trying to figure us out... then they hide their disappointment when I give them an 'I love him' look. And then they just walked passed us.

I'm sure that Harry notices each and every gaze, but I think he chooses to ignore them. I wish I could do that - just ignore people who look at me like I shouldn't be living. But I can't. And I don't. Which explains why I'm so fucked up.

I knew that Harry was masking his emotions like he always did. "Harry... you don't have to do th-" but he cut me off.

He shook his head. "I want to."

"But... my family."

He ignored me and continued to greet everyone as he'd been doing. It was pointless trying to apologize anyways.


I didn't want to be there... with all of them. Those people who called themselves my family... so, after leaving door duty, I went upstairs with Harry. I sat on my bed next to Harry. "Harry, I really want you to know that we don't have to do this. We don't have to be here."

But Harry nodded. "Yes we do. Plus, I want to do this... for you. I plan on spending a really long time with you, Diana. And if that means trying to get on your family's good side, then so be it. Now, let's go down there and show them how great we are together," he said.

I agreed, and we went back down to the monstrosity that is my family.

Looking around for something to do, my eyes caught my aunt's eye. The blonde woman was my mom's sister. She had a curvaceous body, and she held a glass of champagne in her hand as she walked towards us.

"Diana! It's so nice to see you after such a long time," she spoke with intensity. She pulled me into a half hug and half kissed my cheek.

I did the same and pulled away. "I know, it's been so long," I exclaimed, trying my hardest to hide my disinterest.

Her hand moved to my hair. She touched to ends and twirled them in her fingers elegantly. "My, oh my, what have you done to your hair. It's so.. different."

Harry held my hand tightly. "Yes, I know. It's just... change can be good sometimes. Especially after going through things. Isn't that right?" I asked with a smile.

She furrowed her eyebrows as if saying 'I don't know what you're hinting at, but you better stop now.' She put on a fake smile and spoke, "Yes, well... change is something to either dread or look forward to. Anyways, speaking of changes, who is this young gentleman?" my aunt asked, referring to Harry.

"This is Harry, my boyfriend." I turned to Harry and smiled up at him. He smiled down at me. "And Harry, this is my mom's sister - my Aunt Katie."

Harry smiled at her respectfully. "It's really nice to meet you," he said holding his hand out for her to take.

She was hesitant, but she shook his hand quickly before turning back to me. "And your mother, she knows about this?"

"But of course, Aunt Katie. He wouldn't be here if she didn't know." I said, feeling Harry go back to holding my hand.

Aunt Katie nodded slowly. "Hm. Okay. Well, do you know where she is? Maybe I-"

But the doorbell rang. "Um, hold on, one second. I'm going to get the door." I turned to Harry. "Stay here, and talk to her first."

He sighed and was hesitant, and slowly but surely, he agreed.

I nervously left the judgmental woman with my tattooed out-of-place boyfriend as I went to get the door. The doorbell rang once more before I could get to it. I opened the door and was greeted by a face that I never thought I'd be greeted by ever again.

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