Chapter Ten

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What the hell... W-was I Harry's date to homecoming? No, that's impossible. Wait. But what if. Does that mean that the whole time, he was describing me? Wait, but this doesn't make sense. I mean, nothing ever really makes sense to me, but this was so foreign to me. Maybe I should just ask him if I'm his date. No. If I'm not, that'd make it seem like I'm desperate for him. I'm really not though.

But what about that kiss on my forehead. What was that about? I want to ask him. I want to ask him so much. It's hard to get know someone who's a mystery. This is all I've been thinking about since last night when Harry was sitting on my bed. He was on my bed... oh my God.

It was lunch and now I'm still thinking about him. Chasity sat in front of me, her eyes fixed on her phone. Ocassionally, she'd look up at me, but I'd be staring out, and she'd let me be. Until today. "Okay, Diana, what's wrong?" she asked.

Immediately, I was snapped out of my trance. "Huh? Nothing."

Chasity gave me her infamous 'you're kidding me. now what's really going on here?' face.

But I still refuse. It's nothing, really. And that's when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I turn around, expecting to see Harry, but I was slightly disappointed to see that it wasn't. Instead, it was Louis. He is also known as the captain of the soccer team and the football team. Though he is also referred to as my crush from the fifth grade.

"L-Louis..." I stuttered.

Louis smiled at me with his pearly white teeth. "Hey, Diana."

"What's up?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

Louis shoved his hands in his pocket, much like Harry did yesterday. Okay, I need to get Harry out of my head. And almost as if on cue... Harry took a seat next to me. Chaisty's mouth hung open, and Harry smirked while Louis didn't even bother to acknowledge him.

"Well," Louis began, "I know it's really late, and homecomnig is already tomorrow... but, um."

This was not happenening. I patiently waited for him to finish his sentence, but he looked like he was about to throw up. He was so nervous. Why? I could see Harry smirking from the corner of my eye. "Yeah?" I said.

"And I was um, I was wondering if... maybe you wanted to go with me?" he said almost as a question. But not entirely.

My eyes widened, and so did Harry's and Chasity's. "I- um, what?" I said. What is happening. How is this even possible?

"But I mean, if you already have a date, that's cool too. I just... I did't know if you had a date already..." he trailed off.

I quickly shook my head. "No, no. I mean, yeah. Um, no? Okay. I mean, no, I don't have a date, and yes, I'll go with you." And I mean, it wasn't like I was lying. Harry didn't exactly ask me. Adn I wasn't going to wait around for Harry to do it anyways. The whole day... He's been on my mind the whole day. And now he won't leave it.

A smile formed on Louis. "Really?"


"Wow. Um, okay. Great. I'll uhm I'll text you. Do you know what color you're wearing? Or... no? Because I don't know if you're into matching or not and I justt. I don't know. And now I'm talking too much. Sorry."

And Harry smirked again, trying to hold in his laughter.I laughed a little. "It's fine. Just text me. I'll let you know, okay?" He nodded and then left.

"Okay, did that just happen?" Chasity asked me.

I nodded. "I think so... UIm, okay. I have to go. I'll see you later," I said, getting up.

"I'll come with you," Harry said.

Without looking at him, I nodded my head and we walked to our lockers together. "Are you not speaking to me?" I asked Harry once we arrived at our lockers.

"I am."

"Then why aren't you talking?"

Harry sighed. "Well, what do you want me to do, Diana? You just told that fucking douche bag that you don't have a date," he said slightly angry.

"That's because I don't. I mean, I thought I did. I though we were going, but you never really asked me. And you're so confusing. You can never just be nice to me. You're so moody. One day you're telling me that you don't like me, and the next you're calling me beautiful."

Harry shook his head. "That's not the point. The point is that you're taking him," he said as I opened my locker.

"Did you want me to go alone?" I asked, shoving my books in my locker.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "No, I want you to go with me!" he yelled, causing people to look at us.

I looked around at everyone and quickly turned away. "I'm bringing him, Harry," I said in a low voice, but he heard me anyways.

He slammed his hand on his locker, causing me to jump back a little and the people to turn away from us, but I knew that they were watching us from the corner of my eye. I felt my heart race as the sound of the locker being hit rang through my ears. He put his hand on my arm and rubbed it. "I'm sorry," he said, "I know that I'm moody. I've just never felt this way about someone, and I don't know how to act. It's hard for me to just push my feeling back."

"But you have to try."

"I am trying. But you seem to always be on my mind... no matter what."

"You have to."

"I can't. I didn't ask to contantly think about you. I didn't ask to love you. I didn't ask for any of this shit!" he exclaimed in a low yell.

My eyes widened and so did his. "What did you just say?" I asked.

But he quickly shook his head. "Nothing."


"Let it go," he said, moving back from me.

Before I could push it any further, the bell rang. "I'm going to go to class, okay?" I said.

Harry leaned against his locker while I shut mine. "Whatever," he mumbled.

Are you kidding me? We just talked about this. "Aren't you going to kiss me?" I said with a small witty and childish smile that showed all my teeth, suddenly feeling a small inch confidence. When he just stared back at me, his green eyes boring into mine, I rolled my eyes.

I turned away, and I was about to walk away, Harry spoke. "Wait," he said, and I turned around. When I did, his eyes were softer, less cold. "I'm sorry. I'm new at this. I just don't usually know what to do," he said. "I'm sorry," he repeated, removing my hair from my face.

"It's okay," I said, turning to face the ground.

Harry used his thumb and index finger to guide me so that I was now looking at him. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I'll see you later."

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