Chapter Twenty - One

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Harry's POV.

I cannot believe that she actually answered the phone. That honeestly pissed me the fuck off. Like, what does she think she's doing? And who is this Zayn guy anyways? Where the hell did he come from. This shit is stressing me out. I ran down the stairs, but then I stopped when I heard her voice.

"Where are you going?" she asked. I was already at the front door, and I don't even know where I was going to go.

But being the asshole that I am... I answered the first thought that came into my asshole of a mind. "Somewhere where my girlfriend doesn't take ex-hookup's phone calls. I'm leaving." Girlfriend... the word seemed so odd coming out of my mouth. I watched her to see what her reply was going to be, but when she didn't reply after a good two seconds, I turned back around.

But she called out to me again. "Wait!"

And I turned around. I was shocked at what I saw. Her face was even more pale than when I first walked into her room. But I didn't say anything. I just waited for her to speak. But she didn't. Instead, she just looked so confused. I watched her, waiting. And I watched as her hand became weak and her phone dropped to her side. She began to move... sort of sway around and around. It was subtle, but I could tell. And she still wasn't speakin. Her eyes shut and then opened very slowly. And then I saw it. That was when she comepletely fell. I ran up the stairs to attempt catch her before she fell completely, but I failed.

I moved and elevated her head on my lap. "Diana," I said. But there was no response. This was the damn time that I wish that I'd actually learned how to take someone's pulse. "Diana," I called again. Nothing. I saw a drop of water fall on her cheek. I looked up at the ceiling, but nothing was dripping. There was no leak. Then what the fuck fell on her cheek. Frustrated, I held my head in my hands, and I felt the water fill my palm. What the hell? Oh my God... I was... I was crying. I wiped my tears and shook Diana. "Diana, please... please wake up. Please... I'm begging you," I said. I've never begged for anything in my life... other than this.

Immediately, I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. Once they answered, I quickly spoke into the phone. "M-my girlfriend. S-she's sick, and she just fainted, and she's not waking up and I don't know what to do."

"Okay, sir, calm down. What happened again?"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. She's just not waking up."

The lady on the other lined sighed. "Okay. What's your location?" she asked.

"U-uh," I stuttered and fumbled on my words. "I- um, 17 east Spruce street, I-I think..." I trailed off.

"Okay, parmedics are on their way now."



Five minutes later, the doorbell rang. "It's about damn time," I said and opened the door.

I saw three men at the door. They were obviously the paramedics. "She's on the couch," I said, and they came in, getting her.

I took Diana's phone and went into the ambulence with her. They put a mask on her and began pumping oxygen as the ambulence began to move. "Okay, good news. She's breathing. Bad news, she's not concious." Obviously, you fucking moron. But I didn't say that.

"Okay," I said instead. I took her hand and went close to her ear. "Baby, I love you so much. Please... please... just hold on."

I felt her hand squeeze mine, and another tear fell from my eyes as they continued to pump air. "You are... her boyfriend?" they asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

They looked at me oddly. "Oh."

"I know. I know. You don't have to think your shitty comments. I already know." I knew that they were thinking about what she sees in me, and it's true. What does she see in me? Hell, I don't even know the answer to that. I moved closer to her ear so that my lips were touching it and her hair. "Baby, I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry for almost leaving. I'm sorry for getting so mad. Please, forgive me. I love you so much." I know it's weird for me to love someone after only a short while especially after never loving someone before, but I know for a fact that this... what I'm feeling.... it's love. I know it.

I let my tears fall into her hair, and I rested my head as I took in the scent of her hair.


What seemed like hours later, we arrived at the hospital. They rushed her in, and I went to follow, but one of the nurses turned to face me. "I'm sorry, but it's immediate family only."

"No way! I'm the only fucking person here! You can't tell me that I can't go in! You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

"I'm sorry," she said.

"I'm the only person she has! Please! Can you just let me in with her! She needs me!" I yelled. But I was lying. I'm pretty sure that she didn't need me. She's a really strong person. In fact, as much as i hated to admit, I'm positive that I'm the one that needs ner.

But the lady only shrugged. "I'm sorry, but you can't come in - not yet," and she left me on the other side of the doors.

"This is not fucking happening!" I yelled out and punched the wall, leaving an indent as some white paint chipped off and fell onto the ground. And I made my way to the waiting room. I felt everyone's eyes on my as I took my seat. I rested my chin on my hand and began to think back on everything that I'd said to her.... ever. Then everything went grey and then faded into black.

"Um, Excuse me?"

My eyes opened and I looked at the time. It's been five hours. Holy crap. It's 6:07, and I've been sleeping since we got here. I looked up at the nurse from a few hours ago. "Yes?" I said.

"She wants to see you."

I jumped out of my seat. "She... what?" I asked.

"She wants to see you," she said and led me through the doors that once shut me out.

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