Chapter Fourty - Five

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Three days have passed. It's tuesday, and I didn't go to school today either. Camille and Kendall went home last night and were supposed to be coming back today. I shook my head when they asked me if they should because they all act like I'm on my death bed. I'm not. yet. But they still ignored me and told me they were coming.

My doorbell rang, and I propped myself up on my bed for the arrival of my friends. I had told them where the spare key was so that my mom didn't have to stay home from work. Soon, my room door opened. But it wasn't Camille or Kendall. 

"Why weren't you at school today?"

I looked at the clock. It was 9:00 in the morning. Still, since I hadn't spoken still, I just stared.

"Did you need another day off?"

This time I didn't stare straight. I averted my eyes. I couldn't look Chasity straight in the eyes at the moment. I knew she was upset at me for acting like this for so long. Since she knew she wouldn't get an answer from me, she left. 

A couple hours passed, and Camille and Kendall had arrived to help me pack for our trip tomorrow. Our flight was at 7:00pm, and we were leaving after school. After five hours of packing, we finally were done and Harry visited. By this time, I was sitting in my bed, my knees to my chin, and Harry sitting opposite me, holding my hands. Kendall and Camille went outside. "I love you, Diana."

I just nodded. I thought it was sweet that he was coming, but I was getting tired of it, and I know that he's mad at me for not talking too.

"I just need you to say something. It hurts that the only thing you've said to me was 'oh my god' when you were sobbing... I'm so sorry, okay? I'm sorry for the whole charity case thing..." he trailed off. 

If there was one thing I never wanted to be called, it was that. I spent my whole life feeling like I wasn't worth anything. I spent my whole life thinking people were actually my friends, when they were just sparing my feelings. I've been a charity case for way too long, and I'm not about to be that with Harry. I refuse to feel worthless with him, but it's hard when he said it himself. i was mad at him. I had anger built towards him. But he was being so sweet. So, I bottled in the anger for another time.

"Okay, I get it. I get that you don't want to speak to me. I'm still so sorry. I know that you're upset with me. I know that what I did was... unforgivable. I made your worst insecurities come true, and even sorry can't explain what I feel right now. I hate myself, Di. I'm pathetic, okay? And I'm just so sorry. I don't know where we stand right now, and I don't know when you're ever going to talk, but I think it'd be best if I gave you more time to think... Hopefully I'll see you in school tomorrow." He kissed my cheek lightly before leaving.


The next day, in the morning, I left a note to my mom, telling her that we were leaving right after school, and she needs me to text me or to call Camille or Kendall or Chasity. I still had no idea where we were going. Kendall said it was a surprise.

Harry wasn't in school today. At least, I didn't see him, and he's in almost all of my classes. Kendall, Camille, and Niall met me outside of the school. Niall waited out of the car for me. I spotted him, leaning against the pasenger seat of the car. I walked to him with Chasity. I smiled at him and hugged him.

"Hey, how're you doing?" he asked, hugging me back. When I didn't answer, he looked at Chasity.

"Yeah... still nothing," Chasity said.

At that moment, Amanda walked up to us, and everyone was staring once they noticed that Niall was tatted up, and had exotic purple and black hair. Amanda came up to Niall. "Hey," she said with a smile.

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