Chapter Thirty - One

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3... 2.... 1..... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

January. It's finally January. A whole new year for me... for Harry... for everyone. It's a new year. But I'm not doing that new year, new me crap. Because well, I know that everything I've done - everything I've felt... has killed me inside anyways. So, why stop now? It would just be wasting all that hurt that I've experienced.

Harry came up to me after I'd screamed Happy New Year with my family, and he'd waited on the sidelinees for the yelling and excitement to be over. Wearing his black jeans and black t shirt, he looked at everyone around the room. When he got to me, he took his champagne glass that was filled with water and tapped it with mine that was filled with champagne. I told Harry to take some, but he said that he didn't drink. So, I tapped mine back with his. And he pulled me into a kiss.

"Happy New Years, babe," he said to me.

And I smiled at him. "Happy New Years. I love you."

"I love you too."


I don't remember much - like how I fell asleep last night, or when I did. I just remember that Harry was with me, and now he's not. The smell coming from downstairs was amazing, so after brushing my teeth, I put on a sweater over my t shirt and pulled my slightly tangled hair into a low ponytail. Then I ran downstairs and into the kitchen, but stopped when I saw Harry.

Harry smiled at me from the chair that he sat in the middle of my kitchen, right by the island. "Hey," I said skeptically as I eyed my mother who was the one cooking breakfast.

My mom looked at me with a cheery smile - wait. That's actually possible? "Goodmorning!" my mom said.

"Karen made breakfast, but I didn't want to wake you," Harry said, getting up from his seat. He came to me and hugged my from the beck and rested his chin on my shoulder. After kissing me on the cheek, he took my hand and led me to the seat next to him.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wait a second. Karen? You guys are on a first name basis now? Did I just slip into an alternate universe or something?"

Harry laughed and so did my mom. Woah. This was all so new to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me from my seat and onto his lap. "No, you're not. You're mom and I just had a talk about how us not liking eachother wasn't going to do shit. So, while she made breakfast, we tried to find a common ground. And then we realized that we were stupid for even trying because our common ground - is you," he said with a smile, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Wait, I second," I squinted my eyes, "you two were in the same room together for that long - like, with weapons and everything? And no knives were thrown or anything?" I asked, genuinely shocked.

My mother chuckled lightly and in a certain sophisticated way. "Yes, Diana. We can do that, you know," she jokes with me for the first time in what seemed like forever.

My mom placed two plates in front of Harry and me. "Here, eat up," she said as she went back to the stove to get her own food.

I took my own seat again and smiled at Harry. Finally, something was going my way.


After breakfast, I went up to my room and showered. I quickly changed into a pair of denim shorts and a sweater that read: Smartass University. Though, after blowdrying my hair, I threw it into a bun. I went to my bed and pulled out my laptop as Harry began to wake up from his nap taken after breakfast.

"You're finally done?" he asked with a smile, opening his eyes slightly.

I smiled. "I did not take that long," I said, pushing him as he sat up.

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