Chapter Two

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The next morning I woke up with a sense of dignity. I was going to go to school, and act like nothing was wrong... like always. My inner demons fought me one by one, and by now, I was used to it. Dressing up, I wore my dark ripped shorts and my white shirt with a smiley face on it. I quickly slipped on my combat boots beecause my feet were hurting from my converse. Slipping my bracelets on, I also grabbed my hairtie. I put my hair into an extremely messy bun to get the hair out of my face. Then I raced downstairs with my bag on my shoulder.

Once again, my cereal was set, and all I had to do was put the milk in. I did, and my mom again took the milk once I was done. "You know, Diana... it really wouldn't kill you to do your hair once and a while. C'mon. You should tidy up a bit," she said, moving to touch my hair.

I push her hand away. "Mom, stop. I don't care how my hair looks. Who am I trying to impress? Really," I said.

"You don't want to show your friends how pretty you are?" she said.

I rolled my eyes as I scrolled through twitter. "What friends, Mom?"

She looked shocked. "What are you talking about? You have tons of friends," she said.

"I have one."

My mom stayed silent for a while. "What happened, Diana? You used to dress so nicely. You used to care. What happened? We haven't seen our extended extended family in three years. When we see them this Christmas, how do you think they're going to react? We don't take imperfections well."

I basically laughed in her face. "Mom, that was before. I was a prude! You can't be serious. And mother, being different is not an imperfection. And why are we going to see them at Christmas?"

"We're bringing back tradition," she said bluntly.

Sighing, I got up. "Yeah, well, you can bring it back without me. I'm leaving," I said, flinging my bag over my shoulder.

She followed behind me. "What are you talking about? You are going."

"Whatever, Mom. I have to go. Bye," I said before getting into my car and driving off to once again pick up Chasity.


Classes today were... different. I was in Literature. I had a weird feeling about it even before I walked in. Hell, I've had this feeling since I woke up. At first I guess I convinced myself that it was just an after affect from mine and my mom's discussion this morning. But that was all thrown and stomped on when the teacher walked into the classroom.

"Alright, guys. Today we're going to get straight into this reading. Also, we have a new student in school today," the teacher had said.

I heard the thud of boots coming towards me in the front. No one ever really sat next to me during a lot of classes. I guess that's just because I wasn't exactly a people person. I looked up at the teacher and soon, I'm guessing the new student, was next to him too.

This boy... guy... whatever. He was... he was covered in tattoos. He had a lip ring and what looked like snake bites, but instead it was above his left eyebrow. I wouldn't say that I was shocked or anything by him. I was more curious... I mean, as to who he was... where he came from... stuff like that.

"Please, introduce yourself," the teacher who's name I can't remember for the life of me said.

The boy stepped forward a little bit and sort of scoffed, but it was barely noticeable. Though, it did trigger a pissiness inside of me. "I'm Harry... Styles," he said then he stepped back. His accent... it was... I... I was speechless.

The teacher looked shocked. Expecting to hear more out of him? Yeah, so was everyone else. "Um, okay. So I'd really appreciate it if someone showed Mr. Styles, here, around the school," the teacher said with pleading eyes.

No one raised their hands. I could yell in their faces that they were all obviously scared of Harry. And I couldn't blame them. He looked... bad. Yet, I was still curious. So, I raised my hand. "I'll do it," I said with a shrug as if it was just because I had nothing better to do.

I watched as Harry subtly observed me. I was a bit offended by it, but I didn't let it get to me. Harry took a seat next to me. First in a long time. I was glad... somewhat. I turned to him, and put on a smile. "Hi, I'm Diana," I said.

He looked at me for a second and then sighed. He acknowledged my presence quickly and then turned away, letting the teacher teach. What the hell?

After class, we had planned to go our separate ways... I think, but I was almost certain that he wouldn't be able to find his way around the school. "What class do you have next?" I asked politely.

He shoved his schedule in my face, and I took it out of his hands, trying my hardest not to scream at him. I squinted at his schedule and saw that he had a free period. Odd. So did I. He looked at me, waiting for me to say something. But I continued to look through his schedule. Maybe we had other classes together. "You don't have to do this, you know? I'm not some charity case," he snapped at me.

Woah. What did I even do? "Charity case? I actually want to show you around... if that's okay with you. I was thinking that I could use this time to show you around."

Harry shrugged. "I guess."

I smiled. "Great! Now, where should we start?"


Soon, lunch rolled around, and Harry and I had practically spent the whole day together. Odd because he hadn't said more than 17 words to me all day... "Did you want to sit together at lunch or did you want to just you know, separate..." I trailed off. And he just walked away. Yes, I swear that's exactly what he did. I finished speaking, and he turned and left. Who does this guy think he is? I should've seen that one coming.

I decided against eating today. It's not like I needed it anyways. I sat in the corridor and pulled out my notebook and once again, I began scribbling away. At first they looked like blobs, then they turned into pictures, but after a while, they went back to how they were in the beginning. I had spent ten minutes of lunch period by myself in the hallway right by my locker. And my luck gets even better when Amanda walks towards me.

I try not to pay attention to the sound of her heels clouding my thoughts. So, I start to write some things. Random lyrics... titles... bands.... etc. And I tried to decode them to see what I was trying to say to myself. I heard random laughs a milisecond before my book was kicked out my hands in a flash. I looked up and watched Ashley and her friends laugh at my misfortune. People began to come into the hallway, and my book was slightly pushed it around. I tried my best to grab it, and when I did I got up but soon found myself in the middle of a large group that continued to literally toss me around. It was like my body was a Hot Potato game. After a while, I finally broke free from the torture, but as soon as I exited, I came into contact with a body, and it hurt.

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