Chapter Thirty - Seven

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I woke up the next day a little late. I showered late. I dressed up late. I ate late. I even walked to school so I'd be late. When I did get to school, it was 9:50. Second period was in session, and I didn't feel like going. Mostly because I had that class with Harry. Instead, I went straight to my locker.

When I got to my locker, my heart rate had slowed down to the slowest possible rate. I feel nothing. I opened my locker slowly and reminisced on my cuts from last night that I made after Harry had left. I sighed and decided against cutting in the school bathroom.

As I opened my locker, I saw a paper fall onto the floor. I opened the paper and it read:

Hey baby...

I waited for you at your locker for as long as I could - I even skipped first period. Don't feel guilty though. I wanted to. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much and I really need to talk to you. I restrained myself from talking to you - calling you - contacting you before this. But I just need to talk to you. Also, you're probably going to be mad at me but I took the spare blades that you keep in your locker. But I'm not sorry about that. It's for you, so please don't be mad. I love you. I'll see you soon hopefully.

love always, Harry xx

It was these things that made me want to forgive Harry for anything and everything. But I couldn't. I, at least, needed to talk to him first. So I got my books for the day. I only had two periods left until lunch. Luckily, those two classes were the only ones that I didn't have with him.

But they ended eventually and lunch came. I went to my locker, and as quick as possible, I put my books away. I ran to the lunchroom, but as soon I my eyes closed to blink, I'd run into someone or something. I fell to the ground, hard. My vision was black for a little while, but then I regained it.

The eyes that met mine were not Harry's. And in that moment if realization, my heart had dropped. "Louis, hey," I said with a small smile as helped me up.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

I nodded as I pat myself down. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He looked slightly frazzled. "Are you sure? I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry," he apologized even more.

"Really, it's cool. I fall all the time," I said with a small laugh.

My vision soon flickered my eyes set themselves on a familiar pair of gorgeous green eyes. Harry. His eyes were soft, but his hands were balled into fists.

"I, uh, I have to go," I said.

Louis turned and saw Harry. "Oh, okay. I'll see you around," he said.

I smiled a small, friendly smile before heading over to Harry. Harry pulled me to the side of the hallway so that we weren't in the way of people.

And even though the hallways were crowded and loud, the silence between Harry and me was louder. We were both trying to read each other's mind, and it was pissing me off.

"I'm sorry," we began at the same time.

We both stepped back a little. "I'm sorry," I said, "I completely overreacted. I swear, I'm not the jealous or overprotective type. I swear I'm not. But I just saw her, and it was the first time that I saw you with her and the only time I ever see you with a girl more your age is at school. I mean, you're almost two years older than me... I'm sorry."

But he shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. You reacted the way you should have. I didn't introduce you because I was scared of what other people would think. I've never had a girlfriend before, and I didn't know how anyone around me - the people I grew up with... I didn't know how they'd react. And I'm sorry. But I'll make it up I you, I promise. Today, after school, you can meet her. You can meet anybody that you want to. Even... even my parents, if you want."

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