Chapter Eleven

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Is this what it feels like to actually be happy? I mean, I wouldn't know. I've never been happy. But if this is how it feels, I want to stay like this forever. When you're happy the days go by either extremely fast or extremely slow. Today went by so fast. The end of the school day came and I was with Chasity at my locker.

"Harry did what?" she said in an extremely shocked voice.

Nodding my head, I pursed and un pursed my lips several times. "Yeah..."

Chasity took out a book from her locker and exchanged for one that was in her bag. "But... did he mean it? I mean, you guys have known each other for only a couple of days... is love really a good word?" she asked with an unsure look.

I sighed. "I know. I know. It's just... I don't know what I feel. I mean, I don't know if I love him, but he doesn't want to talk about it, and I don't know what to do." You're still trying to understand how someone could actually like you, let alone love, my subconscious tells me.

Chasity's eyes flickered somewhere behind me and then to me. "He's coming," she said, fixating herself so that she was now full - on facing her locker, and so did I.

Exchanging my books that were in my bag for the ones I needed took a short amount of time in reality, but it took forever because all I really thought about was seeing how Harry would act with me with Chasity around. Soon I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Smiling to myself, I contiued to look inside my bag. Then after a few seconds, I was pulled away from my locker and turned around. I felt my back hit Harry's locker lightly as my lips touched an unfamiliar pair. But then again, all lips to me aren't familiar because OH YEAH, no one ever wants to kiss me because I'm freaking ugly. I laughed at my own thoughts.

After my lips were free, my eyes had opened, and my feet un-tiptoed. I smiled. "Hi," I said, looking into the familiar green eyes.

Harry smiled back at me and then opened his locker. "How was your day?" he asked me.

I turned to Chasity before responding, and Chasity looked extremely shocked with her wide eyes and jaw dropped to the ground. "It was really good. Chasity and I were just talking abuot you," I said.

Harry raised a brow and then looked at Chasity and back at me. "Okay," he mumbled.

Crap. Why did I even say that? I'm so stupid. "Um, can I get the key? I'll wait for you in the car," Chasity said, holding her hand out.

I dug in my bag for the key, and after I found it, I placed it in her hand. After she left, "Are you okay?"

Harry sighed. "Yeah," he said rudely.

"Okay...?" I didn't want to push him away. I couldn't. That would be risking my only shot left to happiness.

"What did you and Chasity talk about?"

"You. That's it."

Harry looked uneasy. "What'd you guys say? What did you say?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing. Just that I like you..." I trailed off, and that wasn't completely a lie.

"Did you tell her about... what I said before?" he asked hesitantly.

But I just looked straight into my locker. "Does it matter?" I asked.


Okay, not the answer I was expecting. "Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't want people to know my business."

"But it's not just your business."

He shrugged. "Still. I don't want people knowing."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You don't want people knowing that we're together?" I asked. Because that wasn't going well. I'm surprised that Amanda hasn't come up to me yet.

"No. I don't want people to know what I said," he replied.

I blinked multiple times, unsure if was going to cry or just stand there and let him tear me apart. "Why not? If you meant it... it shouldn't matter."

"But I didn't mean it," he said.

"Y-you what?" I asked, stuttering.

Harry sighed. "I didn't mean it."

"Then why did you say it?" I asked. I don't even know if I was sad or angry... Both maybe? I don't know.

But before he could answer, I heard someone call my name. "Diana." At first I thought it was Harry, but the I realized that the voice was different.

I turned around and found Louis standing there, looking at me like he'd never done before. That mostly because he never really did look at me. "Louis, hey," I said, my voice hoarse.

Louis frowned. "Are you okay? You look upset," he said.

But I just nodded. "I'm fine."

And he went along with it. "Oh, okay. Well, I was wondering if you wanted me to go dress shopping with you so you know, we could share opinions," he said.

His question took me aback. And I could feel Harry staring at both of us. "I-uh... sure. That'd be great," I said.

Louis nodded. "Great, I'll meet you outside," he said and then left.

"What the fuck, Diana?" Harry said.

"What?" I asked, closing my locker.

Harry looked at me with wide and angry eyes. "Why'd you just tell him that? You're supposed to be going with me," he said.

But I just sighed. "Harry, I want to go with you... more than anything. but what you just said really hurt me. I mean, for God's sake, you just took back that you love me. When you get yourself figured out, then talk to me," I said.

"I don't want you going with him."

"Harry-" I cut him off.

But he shook his head. "No, Diana, I really don't want you to go with him. Nothing adds up here. Even if you don't go with me, I still don't want you to go with him. I think that he's up to something... So, please... just don't go with him."

"You don't even know him, Harry."

"Diana, you don't -"

"No. I'm going with him, and that's it. Hopefully I'll see you at the dance tomorrow. If not, I'll see you Monday..." I said before walking away.

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