Chapter Thirty - Six

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Seeing Harry with another girl, no matter how selfish this sounds, kills me. I would know because I saw them today. I don't know who she was, but she was definitely someone to look at. I was on my way home from Chasity, and I saw Harry about three blocks away from my house and around the corner.

He was standing by a corner store with one leg on up on the wall. The girl next to him was... astonishing. Gorgeous, even. Her straight light brown, blonde in the sun, hair and blue eyes went amazing in comparison to Harry. She was a tattoo on the arm of cursive lettering. Her nose piercing shined in the sunlight. And her 5'5 skinny physique was definitely eye catching.

I decided to take the long way, which involved the street across from them. The streets of that road were acceptably narrow for a two way street. Harry knew I only took this way when I needed to think things through. But why was he there now?

So I finally gathered up enough courage to walk on the street opposite them. I pretended to be on my phone. And I walked as slow as possible. I slightly turned my head to look at Harry. But he was already looking at me. I debated turning around completely, but him just looking made me want to run away.

I waved at him as the gorgeous girl smiled and continued speaking to him. But he didn't wave back. He just looked on at me as if trying to tell me something. And then he went on talking to her as I turned my head and proceeded to walk further.


I sat on my bed, with my homework and laptop laid out in front of me. I frustratedly ran both my hands through my hair and let out a deep breath. "Ugh," I began to talk to myself, "I cannot concentrate because of freaking Harry and that chick."

Finally, I got up the nerve to call Chasity. "Hello?" she answered after the third ring.


"What's up?"

"I saw Harry on my way home today," I said, wanting to cut to the chase already.

She sighed, and I could practically hear her rolling her eyes. "What happened now?" she asked.

"He was with some girl."

She paused before speaking. "Some girl? Do you know her?"

I shook my head subconsciously. "Nope."

"Well, was she pretty?"

"She was... something."

"Oh no." Chasity knew what I meant by 'something.' "Describe her?"

Was she kidding? "Really?" And in her silence, I found my answer. "Well, she was tall - taller than me at least, but that might've been because she was wearing heels. Her hair was brown... Her eyes were a gorgeous deep blue. Uh, she was skinny. Not skinny like skin and bones, but she was skinny enough to have a thigh gap. Um... they were talking. Harry had his foot up against the wall aligned with his back. And she was doing the same, and her shorts and tights really made her height stand out. Her makeup was perfect. Her cheekbones, high. She had a cigarette, holding it with her pursed, red lips. She looked about his age."

"Did he see you?" Chasity asked.

My memory taunted me as I thought back on what had happened. "Uh, yeah... But he didn't say anything. He just looked at me and looked away..." I trailed off.

"You're kidding right? You've got to be. Harry wouldn't do that to you."

I scoffed. "Yeah, I thought that too."

"Wow. That asshole should be expecting his balls to be cut off soon," Chasity said, making me laugh.

Suddenly my laughter was cut off by a knock on my door. And soon the door opened followed by a tall figure. "Um, I-I have to go."

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