Chapter Thirty - Nine

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I woke up, literally, the happiest I've felt in a long time. Wrapped in Harry's arms was... amazing. I looked at the time and saw that it was 7:59. Shit.

I shook Harry to wake him up. "Harry, wake up," I said as I continued to shake him.

He was reluctant to wake up. From the way he sucked his teeth angrily and turned away from me. "What?"

"Wake up."

"No," he whined, trying to find his spot on the bed again.

I sighed. "Harry, we're not married yet. You can't do this. Actually, you can't do this even if we get married."

He got up. "Okay okay, I'm up. Marriage conversation is not a conversation for right now," Harry said.

And I allowed him to say it for now. I would talk to him about it eventually. "Wake up then. We're late. We have to go to school."

Harry rolled his eyes. "No, can we skip today?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"No way!" I have missed way too many days already.

Harry kissed my cheek again. And then two times after that. "Please? Aren't you tired? You probably can't even walk."

"I can walk!" I exclaimed, and I jumped to get up, and almost immediately, I felt pain in my inner thighs and my knees became week, wobbling. And I almost fell over. I would've, if Harry didn't catch me, while laughing of course. "Fine, we'll skip today," I said.

He nodded. "Thank you," he said and kissed my cheek once more.

"What is that smell?" I asked, sniffing.

"Probably my breath. I just woke up."

I laughed and hit him. "No, it's like... breakfast."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and sniffed. "Yeah, you're right. C'mon, put clothes on and we'll go check."

And at that moment I realized that I was naked. I was completely naked. "Oh, shit!" I exclaimed and began to rummage through the blanket that was now on the floor and the pile of clothes in order to find my bra and underwear. Eventually I found it and put them on. Along with that, I put on Harry's shirt that I found on the floor and took Harry's hand. "C'mon let's go," I said.

He smiled. "But you have my shirt," he asked, looking down at his pajama pants and naked torso. God, he was sexy.

I smiled. "So? I'll go down in my bra and panties then," I said. "I'm sure Niall would be fine with that. He has Camille right.

Harry jumped up to me. "Like hell you'll do that," he said before he went to kiss my lips. "Plus, you look sexy in my shirt. Let's go," he said and brought me to the door.

"Ow," I complained after a good three steps. "It hurts," I said.

Harry smirked and lowered himself. "Get on my back," he said.

I smiled and jumped on, and he led us to the beautiful scent coming from the kitchen. Coming into the kitchen was like heaven. The whole kitchen was filled with bacon and pancakes and everything delicious but dangerous at the same time. "Did we just enter my house?" I asked Harry as he set me down at the only empty spot on the counter.

Kendall, Camille, and Niall were all in the kitchen. Camille was cooking, Niall was setting the food, and Kendall was pouring drinks into glasses. "I don't know how you like your coffee," Kendall said to me as she handed Harry his, which was filled with what looked like tea.

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