Chapter Fourty - Three

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School... gross. I walked into school in the same clothes that I wore last night. The same everything except I added my sunglasses to shade my eyes from the overbearing light that was the sun hidden behind semi dark clouds. I drank so much last night that I couldn't find the energy to change my clothes. And this morning, I was so nauseous that I couldn't even drag myself into the shower. So, I'm here - in school - with day old hair, day old clothes, and barely new breath that still half smelled like alcohol. It's a shame, though. My outfit is actually pretty cute. Sucks that I couldn't have the hair and everything else to match.

I walked into school, wait no, more like stumbled into school with Kendall and Harry. Kendall decided to help me out throughout the day, and I would just say that she's thinking of transferring from another school this year. Chasity was already at her locker when we walked to ours.

"Hey, Diana!" she said in a high peppy voice.

I cringed at the sound. "Oh God, not so loud."

Chasity looked me up and down. "What the hell happened to you? You look terrible."

Giving her a sarcastic smile, I replied, "Thanks. but no. I had a little too much to drink."

She scoffed. "Yeah, I can tell." Then she turned to Kendall. "You couldn't even help her look semi decent for school?" Chasity asked.

Kendall rolled her eyes. "I dealt with this puked up mess last night." Chasity narrowed her eyes at Kendall. "Fine, fine. What do you suppose we do?" Kendall asked.

Chasity smiled. "Eek! I have an idea!" she exclaimed as she dragged me away from Harry who had said no words at all and to the bathroom.

When we got into the bathroom, Chasity began to dump the contents of her bag into the window sill. She threw eye drops at Kendall, which she caught, and ordered her to drop some in my eyes while she looked for medicine and water.

Two seconds later, I was greeted with a tablet of something and a water bottle which I took. Chasity took my sunglasses off, and I spoke. "What was that?" I asked, tilting my head back so Kendall could put the eye drops in.

"It'll help with the headache," Chasity said as Kendall handed the eye drops back.

"So now what?" Kendall asked as I blinked hard to let the eye drops take effect.

"Now," Chasity began, "We fix the mess that is my best friend." She put a hand on her hip and looked me up and down.

"So, Kendall, please work on her hair. And I will work on the thing that is her face."

I laughed inside. Normally that would hurt my feelings, but I couldn't lie. I'm a wreck. "And what do I do?" I asked.

Chastity checked her phone. "You just stay put. We have twenty minutes before class starts, which means that we have just twenty minutes to make you look amazing."

Kendall picked up a brush and began to brush out my extreme tangles. That hurt. I continued to make sounds of pain while Chasity began to put a primer on my face followed my concealer and foundation.

"You're face looks... pale. We have to change that."

Kendall then picked up a dry shampoo that she sprayed at my roots and then brushed through.

I don't know how long all this took, but after a while, they stopped "fixing" me. "How do I look?" I asked.

Chasity smiled. "Pretty good."

Kendall then looked at me and smiled as well. "Yeah, I would say you looked pretty good for a girl with day old everything."

I pushed Kendall playfully. "Shut up." And then I moved to see myself in the mirror. Huh. I looked almost like I did last night. You know, except my make up was lighter and more natural. "I like it. Thanks guys! But I have to get my books. Kendall, let's go. Chasity, I'll see you in class, okay?"

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