Chapter Fifty - Two

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"We have to find her, Harry. We have to. I don't know where else to look." It's been three hours since I've seen Aunt Charlotte. I've looked absolutely everywhere on this block, and I can't find her. I haven't asked anyone but Harry, Kendall, Camille, and Niall for help. Honestly, I'm dying inside, and I might actually have to ask my mom for help.

"Do you think it's possible that maybe she just left. I mean, you said it's different."

But I shook my head. "No. It's not possible. I texted her, and I called. She didn't answer. She always answers and gives me some excuse about something coming up to make her leave. But she always replies. Always."

Harry sighed. "Well maybe she can't answer right now," Harry said.

"Yeah, Diana, I'm sure she's fine," Kendall said.

But I shook my head. "No, you guys don't understant."

"Okay, well, how about we go back to your house and talk to your mom. We'll see if she knows anything," Camille spoke.

And so we did. The moment I walked through the door, I knew that something wasn't right. The house was quiet. Not completely. Just full of whispers. It was different compared to when I left. "There's your mom," Niall said, pointing to the far corner of the living room.

I quickly jogged to the corner. "Mom? Mom," I said, trying to get her attention.

She turned to me. She had just been biting her nails. "Thank goodness. Where have you been?"

"I've been looking for Aunt Charlotte. Have you seen her?" I asked, frantically. I could feel the sweat beginning to form.

Her eyes seemed to widen a bit. "What? You mean you don't know?"

"Know what? Mom, what happened? Is something wrong? Where's Aunt Charlotte?" I know that I wasn't really giving her a chance to answer me, but I just had so many questions that I needed to be answered.

She sighed, and her eyes became dimmer. "Diana, Aunt Charlotte's in the hospital. She-"

My mom attempted to explain, but I wasn't listening. Immediately, I could feel myself shaking. I could feel my eyes becoming blind with tears. And I couldn't hold back any of my sobs. "W-what do-" I couldn't even finish my questions. "-do y-you mean? W-what happened?"

I could feel Harry's arms wrap around me from behind. I had to lower to volume of my sobs in order to hear my mom. "We just found her unconscious in the bathroom. I don't know what happened, but Aunt Katie brought her to the hospital."

"We?" I wiped my cheeks for what felt like the hundreth time. "Y-you mean everyone here knows?"

She nodded.

I turned back to find everyone watching us, and when I say everyone - I mean everyone. "Well why isn't everyone in the hospital?!" I yelled.

"Diana, you have to understand that -"

At that moment, I couldn't cry. I wasn't sad because it was masked by the anger that I felt. "That what? Huh? That none of the people here have the decency to actually be there for her? It's sickening. She's family for Christ's sake!" I pointed to a random family member. "What if it was you? Wouldn't you want to have your so called family there? I mean, we get together every year for the same stupid holidays. We use distance as an excuse for not seeing or visting eachother, and we think that just because when those holidays come around and we all show up - that that's what makes us a family? No. That's sickening. I thought that I didn't want a family becuase there was no need - because they were all judgemental. Yes, I think you all are judgemental. You all are judgemental snobs, but the only person that isn't was Aunt Charlotte. I look at all of you... and I realize that none of you are my family. If it was me in the hospital bed, I'd be thankful that none of you showed up. I wouldn't want you there anyways. All of you - every single one of you are pathetic -"

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