Chapter Twenty - Two

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It was bright... really bright... I looked up, and I saw a light above me. I heard beeping noises, and I tried to move, but I was too weak. It hurt to much. "Harry?" I said when I saw a blurry figure move beside me.

"Diana?" But it was a lady's voice.

I opened my eyes fully and saw a brunette lady, looking at me. "Who are you? Where's Harry? Where am I?" I began to panic, and Harry's words popped into my head. 'You ask a shitload of questions'. and I laughed a little.

"You're at the hospital. Your boyfriend brought you here. You had fainted, and you weren't waking up."

"I want to see Harry."

But she gave me a sympathetic look. "He can't come in. It's only immediate family."

"I don't care. Please, can I just see him? I need to see him."

The brunette sighed and walked out of the room. Moments later, a familiar face walked in. The face of the angel yet the devil at the same time. The face of the guy that was just upset with me. The face that contained red, tired eyes. The face of the guy that I loved.

Harry ran to my bed side. "Diana, you're awake. Thank God."

"Yeah, I am," I said, not knowing what to say.

Harry sighed and held my hand. "I thought you were gone...." he trailed off, placing a kiss on my hand.

I shook my head. "No, I'm still here." And I have to be honest, I was beginning to wonder why. I wasn't even sure if I actually wanted to be here.


But I cut him off. "No, Harry. Please, not now. I can't right now. I'm still really tired, and I feel so weak..." I trailed off.

Harry got up. "You should get some sleep."

I laughed a little, and it hurt. "Harry, I've been sleeping for a like six hours. I think I can manage to stay awake," I said with a slight smile.

Harry shrugged. "I mean, still. You don't want to take any chances." Then he began to head for the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, trying to sit up, but it didn't work out.

Harry turned to face me. "You need rest."

"Okay, I'll rest, but please, stay here with me," I begged. I didn't exactly want to be alone. This room was too triggering. God knows what I would do if I couldn't fall asleep.

I could see him contemplating his choices as if it were the hardest decision that he has ever had to make. He took his lip ring between his teeth and let it go. He looked around the room in what seemed like nervousness, but soon he let out a deep sigh. "Okay, fine," he said giving in.

He took a seat next to the bed that I was on and quickly took my hand. It was like, if he didn't, he would die. My eyelids felt heavier and heavier each second that passed, and for each second that passed, I was trying harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I struggled though, and I think he noticed.

"Diana," he said.

I looked at him, confused. "What?"

But he knew what I was doing. "You promised," he said, referring to the rest that I should've been getting.

"I know," I said, sighing. I shut my eyes and laid on my back, trying to breath as quietly as possible because I didn't want to disturb Harry. He's been through a lot today, and I don't want to add on.

Harry took my hand and kissed it. I didn't see it, but I felt it. And it felt like heaven. I wanted so badly to be able to sleep, so i tried... really tried... to do it. "Harry..." i trailed off, slightly opening your eyes.

Harry looked up due to his forehead previously being pressued against your hand as he sniffed to hide what I assumed were tears, but one can only hope to see their boyfriend cry. "Yeah?" he said.

I looked at him with all the sincerity in my eyes. "I'm sorry."

He looked at me with confusion. "Don't be sorry... why are you sorry?" he asked.

"I just am... This wasn't how you were supposed to go through this day. I'm sorry..." I said, apologizing.

He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "I don't understand... why are you apologzing?"

"I'm apologizing because I ruined your day, and I feel really bad. You could've done anything after storming out of the house. But no. I had to be so weak. I had to, and then you had to stay with me. So, I'm sorry." I apologized.

I watched as Harry tried not get out of his seat, and he held my hand tighter. "Di, please... you don't have to apologize for anything." Normally, I would flinch at the nickname 'Di', but it was different with him. It sounded almost... natural. "You didn't ruin my day. In fact, I'm just happy that I get to spend my night with you... conscious."

Smiling slightly, I shut my eyes again. "I love you."

"I love you."

And I felt my eye lids as they began to get heavier and heavier. "I missed you..." I said lowly.

I could almost feel his smile. "I missed you too." And then I let my eyes shut completely. I drifted slightly after what felt like a few hours, but not completely. Instead, I was just resting my eyes. After a while, I heard the door open, and I heard a nurse speaking, but the sound was slight distorted. Then shortly after, Harry's voice came in, and soon, Harry's hand lost mine and the door shut. And eventually... I did drift into a painless sleep.


My eyes shot open as I heard a door slam shut. I got up quickly, trying to look at who slammed it. But only Harry stood in the room. He was pacing back and forth until he noticed me. He ran to my bedside. "Harry? Are you okay?" I asked.

His eyes were red and his hair was tousled. His eyes softened when he looked at me, and took my hand. "Me? I'm fine..." he trailed off.

"Then... who slammed the door? And why are your eyes red? And why were you pacing?" I bombarded him with questions.

Harry shook his head. "Don't worry about it. You have enough to worry about it," he said simply.

"Harry... really. What happened?" Nothing. "Fine. Will you at least tell me who slammed the door?" I tried.

He sighed in defeat. "Your mom."

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