Chapter Fourty - Seven

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So the rest of that night was pretty much terrible after that moment. I hadn't said anything afterwards. I just walked away. I was so tired of fighting Harry. It all just felt like I was fighting myself. It was exhausting. So I just went back and talked to Noel again. I got drunk, and I don't even remember leaving Red Lounge.

I woke up the morning in my room in my bed. I could tell by the mess that still hadn't been clean since last night. "Chasity!" I yelled as I got out of bed. I yawned, walking to the bathroom. I looked at myself inthe mirror. My hair was a wild mess, and I don't know how the hell I changed from my dress into my pajamas. What I did know was that my feet were absolutely killing me. I began to brush my teeth and get ready for the day when Chasity came into the bathroom.

"Did you have fun last night?" she asked, grabbing her toothpaste and beginning to brush her teeth.

I shrugged, still half a sleep. "I don't even remember anything from last night."

"What about that bartender guy?"

I began to wake up. "Oh, yeah. What happened to him? He was cute, wasn't he?"

Chasity looked at me as if I were crazy. "Yeah, he was. And what do you mean 'what happened to him'?" she asked.

"I mean, I don't remember a single thing from last night other than talking to Harry about an hour after getting to Red Lounge. So, what happened to Noel? That's his name right?"

"I think... please tell me you remember more than what you say you do."

I spit out my toothpaste and rinsed out the access. After spitting that out, I turned to Chasity, putting my toothbrush back in the holder. "No, nothing. Why?"

"You just woke up, correct?"

I nodded. "Yeah?" And I grabbed the mouthwash and began to pour a good amount to gargle.

"And did you, I don't know... feel any different... or see anything that was different?"

I shook my head and gargled the mouthwash. After spitting it out, I washed my lips with water to get rid of the slight burning on them. "No? Should I have?" I asked, still confused.

She shrugged, her lip pouting slightly. "So, did you totally miss the other human being in your bed?" she asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows and began to pat dry my face on a towel that was brought into the room - probably by a maid. "No? Because there's no one in my bed.." I trailed off walking into the doorway of the bathroom.

"Diana, are you completely oblivious? Noel is in your fucking bed."

I ran to my bed and noticed the uneven blanket on it. I ripped the blanket off of my bed and saw him. "Oh my god," I said to myself.

He began to move slightly. "What's going on?"

"Noel, wake up. Now." I completely ripped off the blanket and shook him.

He finally sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What? What?"

Oh God, his voice was so... raspy. It was tempting. But I had to keep my anger present. "What are you doing in my bed? How did you get here? What happened last night?"

"What are you talking about? You don't remember?"


"After you talked with that guy, uh - Henry?-"


He nodded. "Right, Harry. After you talked to him, you came back in... ordered a lifetime of drinks from me. Of course, I didn't give you everything. I'm not insane. Anyways, then you started to make out with me or whatever. But after a while, I explained to you that you were drunk."

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