Chapter Five

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"I dare you to take a shot," she said with a smirk.

Soon, a glass was handed to me along with a bottle filled with a clear liquid. "Oh, no. I don't drink."

Amanda laughed and I saw the cold eyes... they looked so... smug. 'Of course not'... the eyes said. And I just wanted to scream.

"Fine," I said before sucking in breath. I tried my hardest not to sniff the sour smell. It was horrendous. I poured the liquid into the glass. Then quickly, I took it down, choking during the process. The liquid burned my thoat like mad, and the sourness surprised me. Though, a part of me loved how refreshing it was. It really was. I smiled as the alcohol brought back a feeling I hadn't felt in a while.

Amanda smiled and nodded at me. "Not bad," and I smiled at her. I loved this kind of Amanda. She was approving of me. She accepted me.

Soon, someone was tugging at me, and pulling me up from the ground. I looked, and I saw Harry. So, taking the bottle, I obeyed and followed him. Taking another drink, dying for the freshness of it, he brought me up the stairs. "Where are we going?" I asked, taking yet another sip. I couldn't stop, and soon the smell of the alcohol wasn't as strong any more.

"Shut up," he said, annoyed.

I sighed and just took another sip. God, take me away. And before I knew it, half the bottle was gone. Soon, we were pulled into a bedroom. "What are we doing here?" I asked, taking a short sip from the bottle.

Harry snatched the bottle from my hands and lips, causing some of the drink to fall. "Hey!" I yelled, getting a little woozy from my loudness. "Give me that!" I exclaimed, trying to grab the bottle from him.

But he held it high up to a point where even jumping was pointless. "What are you even doing?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just a couple of minutes you were telling them that you don't drink, and here you are downing a whole bottle of vodka."

I scoffed. "Yeah, so?"

He sighed. "Can you just... not drink?" he asked.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I narrowed my eyes at him. "No! Why the hell do you care anyways? You hate me, and now you have the audacity to act like you care? I don't think so!" I yelled, surprising myself and him.

Harry's POV.

She thought I hated her? She might piss me the hell off... but that's just because... well, I don't really know. But I definitely don't hate her. "I don't hate you."

She rolled her eyes laughed. "Yeah, right. You practically insult me every day when all I do is try to be nice to you. So, I don't get you."

I sighed. "I- uh, sorry?" I've never really said sorry before, so I don't know how this works. I hope she doesn't think I'm being sarcastic.

"Yeah, whatever. Now will you give me the bottle, please?" she asked, her voice lowering.

But I shook my head. "You should probably stop for the night. Listen, just stay here, and I'll be back. Okay?"

Surprisingly she nodded her head and moved towards the bed. I turned and moved to the door, but I heard her call my name. Stopping myself from smiling, I turned. "Yeah?"

"Can you please leave the bottle?" she asked with a smile.

I let out a very small chuckle. "No," I said before turning.


"Yes?" I said, turning again.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

Confused, I replied, "Doing what?"

"Being so nice," she replied simply.

I shrugged. I don't even know why I was. I guess that just seeing her so in need of being wanted and accepted down during the game had something to do with it. It made me notice that she actually didn't believe that she was perfect. "I don't know." And then I turned around again.

"Wait, Harry," she said.

This time, I let myself smile before turning. "Yes, Diana?"

She looked shocked, and she smiled. "You said my name." There was a pause before she continued," When are you going to be back?" she asked curiously with probably the most innocent voice anyone has ever heard in their whole entire life.

I liked how she wanted to know. "Soon," I said and then turned around.

"Harry," she said.

Okay. Now it was getting pretty annoying. But still, I couldn't help but smile. "What?" I asked, trying to sound as aggrivated as I could at the moment.

"Thank you."

Nodding my head, I replied. "You're welcome," and then I quickly left before she could say anything else.

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