Chapter Fourty - Eight

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It's been four days since our slight misunderstanding. It's monday, and it's our last night that we're spending here considering that we're leaving tomorrow morning. Harry and I haven't exactly spoken about that night - or anything really. It's been killing me inside, but I'm stubborn. The only time we speak is when we mention our quick hellos. Honestly, I don't even know if we're together anymore. But I still have today to make this a good trip. And that had to start with talking to Harry.

As soon as I woke up, I took a quick shower and got ready. After blow drying my hair, I straightened it and dressed up in my pink and black playsuit with black sandals. Then, I put on my makeup, praying that the heat wouldn't melt it off. Grabbing my nude pink large handbag that had my sunglasses and room key and money in them along with my phone, I left my room.

I walked to Harry's room which wasn't that far from mine and took my sunglasses out of my bag before placing them on my head. I knocked on the door. "Harry!" no response. "Niall!" nothing. "Where are you guys?" I whispered to myself. I knocked louder. "Open the door!" I said, banging on the dor this time. And when no one answered, I began to feel how hot it actually was outside.

Soon, the door opened. A girl with tan skin. Tall - almost a forehead taller than me. Her highlighted hair reached her butt. It was her neon green bathing suit that caught my attention though. "Hey," she said, blocking the doorway as she leaned against the door frame.

"Hi, are Harry or Niall here?"

"Uhm... I guess those are their names," she said.

What? I pushed passed her, my patience wearing thin. I saw Harry on his bed, shirtless with boxers and this girl that looked like she could be the other one's cousin. On the other bed was Niall and Camille. The fact that Camille was here was comforting, but it still made me wonder who these girls were. But my anger and patience were taking over me, and I kind of didn't know what I was thinking. So I just did what I came here for.

"Harry, can I talk to you please?" It came out a little meaner than expected but, hey. I was angry and annoyed.


And extremely impatient. I have no time for this. "I'm not fucking around, Harry. Stop bullshitting. I need to fucking talk to you.. now." And I walked out of the room.

I could tell that my rare choice of words shocked him considering that I only used those words when I couldn't really control myself. I paced back and forth, waiting for the slammed shut door to open and for Harry to appear. I could hear Camille's voice from the hall. I could tell she was screaming at someone. I put my hands on my hips, trying to keep myself from collapsing on the floor. And finally, the door opened. Harry came out in his boxers, still. But he now had a white shirt on.

"Diana-" Harry began as he came out of his room.

"We need to talk," I said, cutting him off.

"I can explain."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He sighed and took my hand. "This... that was not what you're thinking."

Is he talking about the girls? "I hightly doubt you know what I'm thinking," I said. I didn't even know what I was thinking.

"Okay, well let me explain it anyways."

"Harry, I don't have time for this, I just want to talk to you."

But he ignored me. "Those girls - I don't know them. They knocked on our swim up door. They asked if they could use our bathroom. That's it. And we didn't hear you knocking on the door because that was when they were at the door in the back."

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