Chapter Fifty - Three

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My teeth were chattering, and my hands were shaking. "Why are you so nervous?" Harry asked, taking it as he turned the wheel to turn left.

"Because we're seeing Aunt Charlotte. I'm always nervous whenever I go see her."

Harry looked over at me and then back at the road. He squeezed my hand. "Don't be nervous. She can sense it when we walk into the room."

"She's in a coma."

"Exactly," he said as we pulled into a parking spot in front of the hospital.

Once we got into Aunt Charlotte's room, I sat down, pulling the seat closer to her bed. "I know that you probably think I'm mad at you for this... I know that you probably think that I think you're being selfish. Trust me, I think you were being selfish. But I'm not mad at you. I mean, I was at first... But I'm not anymore. I'm kind of mad at myself. I mean, I feel that I could've done everything to stop this. Maybe if I hadn't pushed you so hard to open up to me. But still, it was your choice. You chose to do this... You chose to put me in this pain. And I will always hate that. You forced me to do something that I thought I couldn't - and that is go through, what I thought, was your death. And I will always hate you for that. Always."

Harry held my hand tightly, and soon, her heart monitor began to flatline. My heart began to race, and I stood up fast and ran to into hallway. "Help! Somebody help! Please!" And I ran back to her bed. My eyes became blind with tears, but I tried to blink most of them away.

The doctors rushed into the room with this machine and two paddles. The doctor began to order the nurses to do something, but I couldn't hear him. All I could hear was this constant ringing in my ear. It was so loud. It was like... the sound, when a gun goes off or a bomb goes off nearby, and you could hear is the deafening sound of the silence ringing in your ear. I half way fell over and leaned on Harry. He held me tightly as I began to stop trying to make my tears go away.


On the drive back home, Harry and I sat in silence. The only sounds heard were the cars driving around us, and the sound of the wind passing from our windows. And it was like that until we got into my driveway. I took off my seatbelt and began to open the door, but Harry locked the door.

"Wait," he said. I sighed and then turned back to face him. "What's up?"

"What do you mean?" I was tired and irritable. All I wanted to do was get into my house and sleep. I just felt terrible and miserable.

"You haven't said a word the whole drive. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well, I just saw my favorite Aunt's heart monitor flatline. Forgive me if I can't just get over it and laugh at every word you say," I replied.

"But she didn't die. They revived her."

I nodded. "I know. And I'm extremely grateful for that... but there's just something going on in the back of my mind. I told her that I hated her, Harry. And she flatlined."

"What, so you think that this is your fault?" he asked.

"Can you blame me for believing that?"

He shifted in his seat so this his body was completely facing me. "Yes, actually. I can. Di, this is not you're fault. She was in a coma."

"So I suppose that you want to blame this one on her being selfish again?" I asked. He was silent. "I've had it, Harry," and I unlocked my door and left.



"Hey, what happened?" Kendall called after me, after ignoring everyone's questions as to why I wasn't my 'normal self'.


"Harry! Did something happen with Diana?" Niall asked.

I turned around and walked back into the living room. "Yes... and I'm really not feeling up to sharing. So, if you don't mind, I'd like to be dismissed from this shitty interrogation."

"This isn't an interrogation. We just want to know what happened," Niall replied.

"Well, let's just say that I don't know when to stop fucking talking. I kind of fucked up, and honestly, my pride is way too high to care. I know that what I did was right, and just because Diana didn't like it doesn't make it wrong."

"What exactly did you do?" Camille asked.

And my phone began ringing. I looked at the caller ID. A picture of Diana flashed across my screen. It was one weekend when her, Kendall, Camille, and Chasity found old pom poms from Kendall. She was captain of the cheerleading team for her university. So, Diana was cheering, and I had taken a candid picture of her. She looked perfect that way - sweatpants, a shirt that she'd tied so that her stomach showed, and no make up. But I didn't answer the call. Instead I just showed them the screen of my phone. "Something that makes me not want to pick this up," and then I walked away after turning off my phone. And thank God, after that, they left me alone.

After a couple minutes, though, Camille came into my room. "Harry, can we talk?"

So much for leaving me alone. "There's nothing to fucking talk about. She overreacted about something that I said, and that's all there is to it."

She shook her head. "No, I want the story from the begnning. What happened."

After five minutes tops, I was done. I had explained everything that happened, though it wasn't much. "That can't be all there is to it," she said.

I shrugged. "Well, it is."

But she refused to listen. "No, Harry. Both us know that that's not all there is. Something must've triggered it. I know her, and I know you do too. You know that there has to be something more. Call her back."

So I turned on my phone. After a couple seconds, the screen lit up with:

(3)missed calls from Diana

Diana: Harry, call me back... please.

(2) voicemails from Diana

on the screen.

"Wait, I have voicemails," I said.

"Listen to them," Camille said.

I quickly pressed the voicemails to listen to them. And as soon as she said my name, I knew that she'd been crying. "Fuck, wait, Camille get out first." She opened her mouth to argue, but she didn't.

"Harry," the voicemail began with a sniffle. "I.. uh," he breathing was heavy. She seemed as if she was trying to figure out what to say. I put the phone on speaker and threw my phone on the bed before beginning to pace back and forth.. "-don't really know what just happened. I just wanted to apologize. I guess I just over reacted. I don't - I'm really really upset. And I can't exactly say why- and ugh... this is so stupid. Just - call me, please. I think something's wrong. I cut." And the voicemail went dead.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I said as I picked my phone up and took it off speaker. I pressed the phone against my ear, and grabbed my keys off of the top of my dresser. And I ran out of my room.

"Okay, let me start over," the voicemail began. She laughed a little on the other end of the phone, but she was still crying. "I'm sorry, Harry." She took a deep breath. "Okay... Um, Harry, I don't think I can last this time... I'm sorry. I just - I don't know what to do, and I'm so angry at myself. I almost lost one of my favorite people today, and that last thing I would've said to her was that I hated her. And I can't live with that. I'm sorry. Just please, you have to know that I love you so much... I'm sorry for being so selfish right now. I just - I have to. Bye."

(I actually might just put this until Chapter fifty-five. lol Anyways, I hope you liked it lol.

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