Chapter Fifty-Five

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I moved to her closet to get the box of 'forbidden' pictures. I picked them up and brought them to her bed. I emptied out all the pictures onto her bed. "Okay," I said, beginning to line up the pictures across her bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked, getting up off of the bed. I could tell that she was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

I sighed, but I didn't answer. I just continued to put the pictures in order, like she did the time that she'd showed me her past. I took her hand and brought her to the pictures. I picked up the first one. Diana couldn't have been older than fifteen in this picture. Her blonde hair was neatly put together and bumped up high. Her makeup was extremely intact. However, her appearance barely matched what was going on in the picture. She held a red cup, her red lips, curved into a smile. Heaven knows what was in that cup, but it looked god-aweful. She posed for the picture, her white very very short shorts hugging her crossed legs, and her pink corset hugged her bust perfectly. It was obvious that this was her first party.

"Harry, can you please explain to me what this is about?" she asked me.

"I want you to tell me everything that happened this night."

She furrowed her eyesbrows. "Why?"

"Just do it."

She nodded. "Well, this was the first night that I had blacked out. It was my first party. I remember when this picture was taken. I arrived at the party with Kenzie. We were meeting up with Zayn and Cameron."


"I'm not so sure about this..." I said as a walked in with Kenzie. "I mean, there's alcohol here... and the music's so loud... I just don't know if I can pull this off. My outfit too. It's so provocative."

"Seriously, Di? You always tell me about how your mom never lets you go out. Tonight she did. Tonight she allowed you to have one crazy night. And if you're successful, just think of how many times you can do this again. The fun - the drinking. Ugh, it's all so superb. C'mon. Let's go find Cameron."

I nodded and followed her. "There she is," I said, pointing to a girl with the perfect body - the one that everyone stared at.

So we walked towards the girl who was talking to a guy with the most amazing facial structures. Wow... he was pretty damn gorgeous. I fanned myself, trying to prep myself to meet this guy. I prayed that I wouldn't make a fool of myself. We walked up to the two.

"Hey, Cam," Kenzie said, and Cameron hugged us both. "Who's this guy?"

Cameron smiled at us. "This is Zayn. He is... a friend of mine. An old friend, actually. Zayn, this is Diana and Kenzie."

I smiled at the guy who took my hand and shook it, squeezing it tightly. My heart raced fast as he asked me what I was drinking. It was then that I had noticed his accent. That gorgeous accent.

"I actually have no idea. Something dangeous," I joked, but now that I think of it - that sounded pretty dorky.

He smiled at me and suggested that I drank what he was drinking, and that was the last thing that I remembered. After that was drinks... and I blacked out.

"But I already knew what happened that night - or, at least, I had a pretty good idea from everyone who was at the party," I finished.

Harry nodded. "Okay... you were, what? 15 at this time?" he asked.


"At this time, I was around... 17 - 18. I was an idiot, I'll tell you that - a huge fucktard. That was me. You were having your first drink... and I was getting high. I was drinking at this time. I was fucking evey girl in sight - every hot one, at least. I was getting into fights. I was selfish. I'm not going to lie - I was. I admit it. At this time, you were the better person than I was. You were well kept. You were loyal to your friends. You may not have been as pure as you were before the party, but you still cared about everyone else around you," he explained.

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