Chapter Fifteen

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Lunch came, and I was sitting at my usual table - alone. As always. I decided to trash my notebook. When I was looking back at it, I was just reminded of bad times, so I decided that I wanted to leave it behind. So I just stuck with sticking my headphones in my ears, listening to music, and putting it on the loudest volume to attempt to drown out the loud voices of everyone else in the school. My music blared in my ears as I took out liquid eyeliner, a pen, and nail top coat from my bag. Yes, I carry this stuff. Don't judge me. I held my wrist in front of my face, but not so much that canyone could see my scars. Then, I drew a small time infinity sign. I put away my pen, and traced it over with the liquid eyeliner. After tracing it over and putting away in my bag, I took the clear liquid nailpolish and began to open it. As I began to wipe the brush on the side, I was stopped by a large hand that held mine away from the bottle.

I looked up to see Harry as he took a seat. "Hi," I said very quietly.

He smiled and pushed in his seat. He took the polish and closed it. "Hey." Then he tucked it inside my bag.

"Hey, I was using that!" I argued.

He sighed. "Are you still mad at me?" he asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, but answered anyways. "Still? I was never mad at you," I said, attempting to find every possible way to avoid his gaze.

"Yes you were," he said simply. But you just shook your head. "What's wrong? Why are you mad?" he asked, sqeezing my hand a little.

Then I finally looked at him. I finally looked into his eyes that looked soft and and sorry. "C'mon, Harry. I mean, how would you feel if you were me? How would you feel if you got together with someone who told you they loved you, took it back, asked if they could have another chance, and then got mad when they found out that other people were going to know about this so called relationship? Huh? Because I'll tell you, it made me feel like crap."

Harry sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I just - I can't help it sometimes. I just get freaked out out of nowhere. I'm sorry. I don't care if Amanda knows, or if anyone knows."

But before you could respponse, a pair of hands that contained ten perfectly pointed red nails were placed on Harry's shoulders. "Hey, Harry," the almost perfect voice said.

I looked up to see the flawless face of Amanda. "Hi, Amanda," I said.

She looked at me, narrowing her eyes. "Uh, hi," and then she turned back to Harry, a smirk playing on her lips. "Sorry I didn't get to see you today. I mean, Louis's face was totally messed up. I just feel so bad for him. I mean, his accident, and all."

Almost bursting out into laughter, I asked. "What?"

This earned a glare from Amanda. "It's not funny. Tragic, really. I mean, he got jumped by like, six guys. But he managed to beat up at least two," she said.

I watched as Harry tried to stifle a laugh. "Tragic. I actually feel bad for the guy," he sad sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Amanda ignored him and began to move closer to him. She leaned over to him and kissed his cheek. "So, my house later tonght?" she whispered not so lowly in his ear.

He took her hand and then slowly removed them from his shoulders. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"You know damn well why not."

She sighed. "Her?"

He nodded. "Yes."

Amanda flipped her hair. "Fine, whatever. But you'll be crawling back once you're done with her. We both know that after you're done with her, you'll be back and inside of me again," she said, and I felt basically disgusted with everything that she was saying.

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