Chapter Seventeen

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"Diana? What are you doing?"

I stopped, my finger on the blade. Oh no. "Harry?" I said, not turning around.

Hearing Harry's footsteps move towards me, I quickly but subtly took my hand away from the blade and on the book so that it looked like I was just looking at the book. I felt Harry's hand move on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asked.

But I shook my head and took in a sharp breath, and my tears stopped, but I'm almost positive that it was sitll extremely evident that I'd been crying. "Nothing," I said, closing my drawer. "Just um, putting something away," I said, looking away from him. I took a seat on my bed, looking down at my lap. So he didn't leave... he was just in my bathroom? God, I'm so stupid.

Harry's fingertips held my chin and made me look up at him, and I did. I didn't bother resisting because one way or another, I was bound to look at him anyways. "You were crying, weren't you?" he asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat that kept me from talking. "N-no," I lied.

He sighed and took a seat next to me. I opened my mouth to explain, but he just shook his head and spoke, "You don't have to explain. I heard what she said, and I heard you speak up for me. Thank you, by the way..." he trailed off. Thank you? I don't think that I've ever heard him say thank you before... to anyone for the month and a half that I've known him...

"It was nothing... But she's probably pissed off at me," I said.

But Harry shrugged. "It's okay. You have me, and I'd never be pissed off at you," he said, and immediately, I felt those words become imbedded into my head. I'd never be pissed off at you. Although there was the whole vulgerness of "pissed off" in it, it was still sweet. At least to me it was.


Wednesday. A brand new day. No holding grudges. So today was a new start for my mom and me. After the silent dinner that I begged Harry to stay for, between my mother Harry and me, I'd gone to my room with Harry where Harry stayed with me until I fell asleep. And once again, when I woke up, Harry wasn't next to me. I sighed, upset that he wasn't next to me, holding me like he was when I fell asleep. I don't even know why I'm so hung up on him anyways. He's just going to end up leaving me. They always do. I just don't understand.

After shutting off my 5:55 alarm, yes... I wake up at 5:55. Actually, that's a lie. I wake up at 6:00. 5:55 is my warning alarm. I went to shut off my 6:00 alarm as well. I got up and got my phone. Looking through the songs as I sat on my bed, I decided on one and got up to go to the bathroom. But before I could open my bathroom door, it opened. I screamed and clamped my hand over my mouth when I saw Harry come out. I swear, I almost peed and died at the same time.

"Harry..." I trailed off. "What are you doing here...? I-I mean, I thought you left... I - uh... what're you doing here?" I asked.

He smiled at my shocked-ness(?). "I slept here," he said.

My eyes widned but in a good way. I was happy that he did. "I thought you had left..." I trailed off.

He shook his head and smiled wider, his dimples becoming more evident. I loved his dimples - a lot. They were so cute and I felt like they took eyes away from his "bad-boy" image. "I thought about it after you fell asleep. But then I thought of how amazing it'd be to see you in the morning," he said.

My heart fluttered as he spoke about me in a way that I thought wasn't possible for anyone to speak about me. "Oh, you must be disappointed considering that I look like, um, this," I said, laughing and refrring to my black hair that was in my face and clothes that now looked a little too big on me out of no where.

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