Chapter Seven

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I was actually looking forward to school today. I guess at some degree, I was excited to see Harry. After getting dressed, I went down and had my normal breakfast. Quickly, I left, wanting to get to school as fast as I could. I don't know why I was so eager to see Harry. Maybe because of what had happened yesterday..? I don't know.

Getting to school around 7:45 was good for Chasity and me. Well, maybe just me. Chasity was complaining so much. After getting my books ready for the day, I slid down against the lockers, waiting for Harry to get to his locker which was right next to mine. Eventually, the bell rang, and Harry was nowhere to be found. Then Literaure came around, and Harry wasn't there. Then math came, and he wasn't there again. Before I knew it it was lunch, and I hadn't seen him.

I went around, asking people if they'd seen him. After a while, I came to a strong realization. Then I went around again and asked if anyone saw Amanda today. I mean, her car wasn't there when I got here, but then again, it was pretty early.

Chasity came up to me while I was walking around the cafeteria, trying to find either Amanda or Harry. "Hey, so what happened to you the other night? I forgot to ask you this morning, and saturday I had a killer hangover.. so..?"

But I just shrugged. I wasn't sure if I should tell anyone. "Nothing happened."

"I saw Harry pull you upstairs. What happened? Did you guys have sex?"

I gasped and hit her. "No! Of course not!" I said fiercly.

Chasity laughed. "Then what happened, becuase you didn't come down after that, and he did," she said.

I sighed before pulling her over to the side. "Okay, but you cannot tell anyone!" I exclaimed before telling her the truth and every detail up until the moment that Harry dropped me off at home.

"Wait... so he held your hand!?" she exclaimed.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Wow. That's so weird... I mean, it doesn't seem like him at all."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

She just shrugged though. "I don't know. I mean, he seems really... closed off," she said, trying to find a word to describe him. "Anyways, I have to go. I'll see you after school," she said before leaving.

And almost as if on cue, I saw Amanda and Harry walk into the cafeteria. They weren't holding hands, but they were standing awefully close. I ran out of the cafeteria. I don't know why I did, but I did. Though I think that the oddest thing is that I didn't exactly go anywhere. Once I got out of the cafeteria, I just sat. Yes. I sat. I sat down against the wall, and waited for everything to set it.

But of course, the world hated me. I heard the familiar vicious laugh. The laugh that has been killing me for years on end. "Oh my God! That was hilarious," Amanda said, walking into the hallway with Harry right next to her, yet again, walking too close to each other.

I don't know why I did, but I quickly turned my head so that I didn't have to face them or see them. I felt my heart sink within my body. I felt it shatter to pieces, but the thing that heart the most was my head. To be honest, I had no idea why I was feeling this way. I didn't even know this guy. All I knew was his name. Maybe I imagined everything that happened over the weekend. I don't know.

"OH, hi, Diana."

Ugh. Faking a smile, I turned back around. "Hi, Amanda," I said, my eyes flicking to Harry's for just a split second.

"I've been meaning to find you, actually."

No, you weren't. "Oh, really? How come?" I asked.

"Well, I was just wondering why you left my party so early. I mean, you came for one round and then left."

But I just shrugged as if it were no big deal. "Oh, I just didn't feel like really doing anything anymore. I kind of wanted to go home. Not that your party was bad, because it wasn't. I just realized that it's really not my scene."

Amanda nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

I'll admit, I was shocked. I don't know why I was considering it was her, but I really was. "Okay, so, if that's all... I have to get going," I said, picking myself up from the floor along with my bag.

Amanda sighed. "Yeah, me too," she said, turning to Harry. She placed her lips lightly on his, and it was awkward. Then their kiss got noticeably harder, and soon their tongues were actually showing. I shifted my weight to my other leg.

Amanda smirked, removing her lips, and I sighed. "Okay, well, I'll see you guys later," I said before walking away as fast as I possibly could. I passed them and about two seconds later, I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I kept walking.

"Wait, slow down."

I turned around, sighing again. "What?"

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. I don't really have time to talk right now."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as we leaned against the lockers in the hallway. People passed us quickly, groaning that we were in the way. But I was always in the way... so it didn't matter. "Really... what's wrong?"

"You know what? I'm just really stupid. I can't believe I actually thought that you'd really -" but I stopped myself before going any further. "Nevermind," I said and began walking away again.

"That I'd really what?" he asked, curiously, catching up to me.

Shit. "Nothing, it doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does."

Well, why? Why the hell does it matter? Really? Why does it? Because it really freaking bugs me. "No, it doesn't. I have to go," I said.

But Harry ran to get in front of me, and I realized that I was trappped. Between the people passing us, the lockers, and Harry in front of me, I was kind of feeling claustrophobic. "I'm not letting you leave until you tell me."

"You want to know? Fine. Here it is. I'm an idiot. I'm so stupid. I actually thought that maybe you were beginning to like me, and that someone, anyone, was actually beginning to like me. I thought that you were actually letting someone in, and maybe it got to be me," I said. I bit on my lip, trying to keep myself from crying. "There," I said, letting out a tear, "are you happy? You got what you wanted. You broke me down. It was stupid. Now, can I go?

Harry looked extremely shocked. He moved out of the way.

As I passed him, I heard him speak my name. I turned around, wiping my tears. "What?"

Harry spoke very softly. "You actually thought I had feelings for you?" He moved closer to me, and still with a soft and neutral voice, he spoke, "I don't- uh, I mean, I.." he trailed off, not knowing that to say.

Okay, I was done. I pretty much broke down right then and there. My tears came out much more. Nodding my head, I let out a small sob, and the hallways cleared out. "It's cool. I get it. So, um, I'll see you later, yeah?" I said, with a small chuckle, just trying to hold in another sob. Then I passed him and made my way to the bathroom. Halfway down the hall, the bell rang, but it didn't matter.

I walked into a stall and sat down before completely breaking down. I felt my body cave in, and I felt like... everything was so not right. I finally got the smallest bit of strength I could manage to get my phone.


"M-mom... can you pick me up? I don't... I'm not okay."

"What happened? Was it that boy? Y-your boyfriend? What happened? You have to stop crying, honey."

Letting out more sobs, I stopped and tried to gather myself. "He's not... things aren't going so well. Can you please just pick me up?"

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