Chapter Twenty

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My eyes shot open in shock. I haven't heard that name in a while... and to hear Harry say it... it scared me and it made my heart ache. "Where did you hear that name?" I aksed with a shaky voice.

Harry held up my phone's bright screen. There was a text under the name labeled Zayn. "Who the fuck is Zayn and why the hell does he want to fucking meetup and talk!?" Harry's voice boomed through my skull, making the pounding on my temples feel like sledge hammers versus a piece of paper.

I was literally shaking. I looked down at my hands and saw the movement. I felt my eyes. They were wide, and I felt the sweat drip from the side of my head. "I don't know."

Harry ran his hand through his tousled hair. "What do you mean, you don't know? How the fuck is that possible!?" Harry's breathing was heavy and ragged. He breathed deeply, trying to calm himself down. "Okay. Let's start with this: who is he?" 

"I don't even know how he remembers me. Oh my God. What am I going to do? I barely remember anything, okay well that's not true. God dammit, Diana, stop it." I was talking to myself. 

Harry's eyes narrowed at me. "Diana, what the hell are you talking about? How do you know this guy?" he asked me.

I bit down on my lower lip, obviously not wanting to answer. "W-we met last year. It was during the summer. My family went on vacation, I saw him, he saw me, he told me that he lives in the town, and things just went from there."

Harry got up from the bed, and my arm automatically stretched out to stop him, but he was already up. He paced back and forth around the bed. Then he stopped, biting on his nail a little. "Is he-Is he your boyfriend?" he asked.

"N-no, I mean, I don't know. Y-you're my boyfriend, Harry."

Harry slapped his hand onto his thigh. "Well what do you not know!? Do you have another boyfriend other than me? Diana, are you cheating on me?" he asked, yelling.

"Harry, can you please lower your voice? My head hurts so much... and your yelling is not helping..." I tried to stay calm.

He smiled a little, but it was sarcastic. "My yelling? My yelling is not helping! Okay. Well maybe if you didn't get a fucking text from this guy, I wouldn't be yelling! Maybe if you didn't have something going on with another guy when I'm supposed to be your fucking boyfriend, I wouldn't be yelling!"

"You are my boyfriend," I said, trying to get up from my bed. 

Harry sighed. "Am I?"

I went to actually remove myself from my bed, but when I tried to stand, I felt the cold air whip at me and my body suddenly felt weak and my head began to pound again, so I went back down under the blanket. The pounding moved to my heart as well, and now my heart hurt... a lot. "Harry, I love you," I said finally.

Harry gave in and sat back down but on my side. He let out a really deep sigh. "I know. I'm sorry, and I love you too, it's just... you get a text - a text from this guy, and like... I don't know what to think."

"I think you should trust me," I said. "Can you give me my phone now?"

At that instant, my phone began buzzing non-stop, and Harry looked at it. He got up and immediately got angry and threw the phone at my bed and it landed on my bed right in front of me. "Here, take it."

I looked at him helplessly. I had no idea what to do. I mean, if I answered it... all hell will break loose, but if I don't... Zayn would just keep calling and texting. So, I answered it. "Z-Zayn... h-hi..." I answered nervously. 

Harry rolled his eyes and slapped his hands down to his thighs. And then he exited the room an Zayn spoke. "Hey."

I got up out of my bed quickly, not caring that I felt like I was dying and I couldn't see straight because I was so dizzy. "Hold on," I said into the phone. "Where are you going?" I said, looking down at Harry who was already by the front door.

"Somewhere where my girlfriend doesn't take ex-hookup's phone calls. I'm leaving."

"Wait!" I called out, and I think he did. I couldn't really tell. My vision was blurry, and I dropped my phone to my side. I was seeing three... four... five Harry's. I felt my head stop for a second, and for a split second, I could see everything around me. And right after... in the blink of an eye... I felt myself drift, and everything went black.


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