Chapter Thirty - Three

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It's been five days since that night that I went to Zayn, and I've regretted it ever since even though Harry's forgiven me.

I go back to school today, and I'm honestly, so mad about it. I didn't want to go to school. The only reason why I ever wanted to go to school before was because I wanted to see Louis. But now I could see something better everyday - Harry, and there's kinda just no point in going back to that place anymore.

I dreaded getting ready the most. Harry has seen me in basically a t shirt and sweat pants. So I didn't feel the need to be dressed for anybody. But I did anyways. I put on a loose sweater that said 85 on it, and a pair of leggings along with my red doc martins. And I got a text from Harry telling me to go outside.

The weirdest part of the morning though, was the fact that my mom walked me out to talk to Harry. "Harry," my mom said to him through his window as I got into the passenger side, "Will you be coming over later for dinner? I will be making fettuccine," my mom asked in a bright tone . Harry had stayed with us over break, but my mother didn't know that he hadn't been sleeping in the guest room. And last night, he went home.

Harry held my hand, and my mother slightly flinched. "Uh, sure," Harry said, and my mom nodded before stepping back, allowing us to leave the parking lot.


"I don't even want to be here," I said lowly as Harry reversed the car into its parking spot.

Harry turned to me, putting the car in park. "Why not?" he asked.

I fidgeted with the bracelets that rested on my left wrist. My cuts have gotten worse with every day that passes, and I was beginning to get scared that Harry would find out. He's not stupid.

But I just shrugged. "I dunno. I don't really like people..."

Harry took my hand. "Trust me, everything will be okay," he said.

I smiled. "Okay..." I trailed off.

When we got into the building, we decided not to go to our lockers. Our class was right by the entrance and our lockers were out of the way. We went straight to our class, being ten minutes early.

The seats in this class did not have desks. They were just straight out plastic chairs. It was our psych class. I took a seat next to Harry in the back of the room, and I took checked the time on my phone and began laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Harry asked, eyeing me as he smiled.

I was still laughing, though I'd died it down a little. "Harry, we're ten minutes early."

Harry's eyes widened and then flashed me a smile that I'd never seen before, making me laugh a little more. "That's great," he said and then pulled me onto his lap. He pulled me close to him, kissing my lips gently, slowly getting rougher with every minute - second that passed.

And after three minutes of straight kissing, people started walking in, and I began to pull away.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked curiously.

I kissed him. "People are here now," I said. It wasn't exactly the PDA that I minded, because I didn't. Hell, my neck had hickeys on it from yesterday.

"So what?" he asked, pulling me closer to him. His hands reached for my legs and pulled one over so that I was stradlling him like I was the other day.

He kissed me again, but it was harder to pull away this time. "Harry, there are people here," I said, beginning to get off of him as the murmurs that came with the people got louder.

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