Chapter Thirty - Eight

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The awkward conversation died off after a while. Somewhere in the middle of all that, I decided that I would sleep over. I guess it was too late to go home anyways. Niall and Camille took the room at the end of the hall from Harry and me. Kendall, however, took the room right next to us.

Harry and I lay on his bed, unmoving. "Harry, I love you," I said.

Harry took my hand and moved me so that I was hugging him, and my head was resting on his chest. "I'm sorry about earlier with Kendall. She can just be a bitch sometimes."

I shrugged. "It's fine. She was a girl you hooked up with. I'd be mad too, if I thought that I knew everything about you when I really didn't."

He stayed silent.

"But I do have a question. Was she telling the truth... saying that you guys had sex all the time?" I asked hesitantly.

Harry sat up. "What?"

"Was she lying?"

He took a while to respond, but he did. "No, uh, she wasn't lying."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Well, then why haven't we had sex yet? She speaks so highly of you... I wanna know what she's talking about," I said as I began to kiss his lips.

Harry pushed me away slightly to take a breath. "You don't have to do this, okay? You have nothing to prove to Kendall."

I nodded as I tugged at his black shirt. "I know," I said, hauling myself on top of him so that I was straddling him.

Our bodies were immensely close, and Harry began to work my sweatshirt that I was wearing. Under my sweatshirt, I only wore a bra, and besides that, I only had panties on while he had boxers now. My mouth met his and our tongues collided. Our mouths barely parted as I tugged at the hem of his boxers.

But he didn't let me pull them down yet. Instead, he took my hand and lead me to my own undergarments, helping me take the off. And soon, I was the fully naked one in the room. Harry laid me down so that I was on the bottom and he was hovering over me. He gave my lips a short kiss and continued on with it down until he reached my cleavage. He then took my right breast into his mouth, sucking lightly, making me squirm a little.

I felt insecure, but the way his body moved made the insecurities slowly feel non existent. He then proceeded to kiss down my stomach. I shut my eyes, awaiting the pure bliss that was Harry Styles because I knew that I was already wet.

I felt a single finger on me, rubbing up and down to take up the moisture. And in an instant, there were two fingers plunging in and out of me. My moans were already seeping through my mouth. "Harry, uh, shit." Because during sex, I wasn't going to restrain from any words.

I bit down on my lip as fingers pumped in and out of me. And soon a third finger was added. "Shit, you're so fucking tight," Harry said.

Smiling as the pleasure began to come over me, I continued to bite down on my lip. I could feel the bed shaking beneath us just by the way his fingers moved. The intensity grew when I felt his tongue press against me. The way he ate me out made me feel like I could do anything in the world. "Yeah, Umph. So good," I couldn't even manage out full sentences due to my moans getting in the way. And as his tongue moved, I felt the cold of the metal lip ring which made me only want to come.

But soon, the intensity that I felt between my legs was gone. I opened my eyes to see Harry with a smirk on his face. "You taste so fucking good. Try it," he said and proceeded to put his fingers in my mouth, allowing me to suck on them gently enough so I could taste myself.

"My turn," I spoke as I crawled over to Harry and eyed his boxers. His boner was completely noticeable through his boxers. I felt him through them and smiled. "Are you excited?" I got no response but I moan as I rubbed the fabric of his boxers. "It seems like it," I said. I moved my hands away from his boxers and I slowly ran my hands over his inked arms and body. The black ink that covered his body only made this moment sexier.

I pulled his boxers down slowly and watched as his erection came into play. My eyes widened in shock. "What?" Harry asked with a smug look on his face.

"You're fucking huge," I said as I wrapped my small hand around his member and began to pump up and down.

Hearing Harry moan was the most sensual thing I've ever experienced. No guy has ever made me feel that way due to a moan. But his moans were full on pleasure all by itself.

And that's when I decided to step it up. I took part of him into my mouth. However, within seconds, I had almost all of him in my mouth. Harry's eyes were shut, but occasionally he opened them to see me bobbing back and forth to catch a breath of air as I fluttered my eyelashes at him, looking up at him.

"Shit, Diana, you're so fucking good. Ah, Diana." The way he moaned my name. I could feel my wetness increase. "I'm going to come," he spoke loudly, and that's when I stopped. I removed my mouth from his member, and he groaned. "What the fuck?"

But I ignored him. "Condom."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but then the expression cleared up on his face and he took out a condom, rolling it onto himself. I positioned myself on his bed, and awaited for him to be ready. I felt his member make contact with me, and it made me crave him even more. He teased me, rubbing on my nudity. "Are you ready?" he asked.

I bit down harder on my lip and nodded my head as I let out a stiffled moan as my response.

He alligned himself with me and put what felt like the tip of his erection inside of me. He was teasing me - getting back at me. And it was pissing me off. "Harry, please," I begged.

"I can't hear you," he said.

"Fuck, Harry! I need you!" I yelled. And that was the point where I knew for a fact that Kendall could hear us.

Harry smirked and with one swift thrust, pushed hard into me. He stayed like that for a while, slowly rocking in and out of me. "Oh shit," he moaned.

I grabbed the sheets on both sides of me in my fists. I struggled to contain myself as his thrusting got faster and harder. "Yeah, right there," I spoke when I could finally catch my breath.

Harry continued to thrust inside of me as his lips pressed against mine. My mouth opened at the amount of pleasure that I was feeling. My body was on fire, and I craved the ecstasy.


But I cut him off. "Me too." I already knew what he was going to say. And at that moment, Harry and and I both let out our problems and stress and everything else. With that last thrust, we let go, leaving us both breathless.

He pulled out of me and removed his condom, throwing it out in he garbage can next to his nightstand. He then pulled the covers over us. I was panting. I couldn't breathe.

"Oh my god," I spoke.

He pulled me closer to him, and out naked bodies were touching again. "I know."

"I love you, Diana," he said, kissing the top of my head.

I put a hand on his chest as I rested my head on it was well. "I love you, Harry." And before I could think back to the sex that we just had, I'd fallen asleep in the embrace of the man I decided I want to spend the rest of my life with.

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