Chapter Eight

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The drive home was silent. It was only until we got home that someone spoke. My mom dropped her keys on the table, making a clanging sound. I was on the third step when she spoke. "Are we going to talk about what happened today?"

But I continued up the stairs. "I really don't want to talk about it," I said, the memories flooding into my mind. I rushed up the stairs and sat on my bed and let the tears fall. Then, in a swift movement, I got up and moved to my bedside drawer. Quickly removing the things out of the way, my head began to pound. The pounding made me feel dizzy, but I tried my hardest to ignore it, for it would only get in the way. And right now, I wanted this. No. I needed this. I picked up the sharp object and turned it in my between my fingertips.

Because I couldn't love myself, no one else could. No, not even my mom. In fact, if there was someone who loved me the least - it would be her. Harry's words continued to flash in and out of my memory. Hazy and then clear. I took deep breaths, contemplating everything. Am I, honest to God, that unloveable? - that no one would ever even think of going for me? My confusion only angered me more, and that made me even more upset, and the only other person left to blame... was me. Like always.

I stopped moving the sharp object. All I was doing was creating distractions. So I took the sharpness and brought it to my already red - lined wrist. This time, I went slow. I made sure that I could see the redness ooze out from me before I continued to pull it on my skin. And I did this multiple times, each time, a small portion of my stress leaving my body. Each time, my body felt more relaxed. Each time, it hurt more, and that was the good part about it. Then wiping my favorite thing in the world, I put it back into my drawer and grabbed more paper towels to clean the blood off my arm while I contemplated what I'd just done and how happy I was that I did it.

The day went by slowly. Almost too slow. Soon it was 4:15, and my phone rang for the first time since I got home. I didn't bother looking at the caller ID. Instead, I just answered it. "Hello," I said monotinously.

"Where are you!? I've been waiting outside the danm school for over an hour!" I heard the shrill and high-pitched voice of my supposed best friend.

Shock crossed my mind, but I pushed it back, because I didn't want to feel any other emotion. I didn't want feel anything but the nothingness I feel now. "Oh, sorry. I'm not in school. Do you still want me to pick you up or something?" I asked curiously, but silently, I hoped that she would say no.

"No, it's okay. I'll just-"

But she got cut off when I heard something downstairs. I heard the front door open and my mom talking. "I really don't think that she wants to talk to you."

And then that's when I heard it. I heard the voice that made my heart start up 1000x faster and my mind go blank and my tears form. I heard the voice that made me shush Chasity on the other line. But once I did, it was too late. The voices had stopped and the front door shut. Now I wasn't sure what to think. He was here... Why was he here? He talked to my mom and then left... And a knock at my bedroom door made me jump up a little.

"I'll call you back," I whispered.

And the knocking turned into pounding. The pounding just grew louder and louder until I couldn't bare it anymore. Who the hell? I asked myself before going to the door. I swung my bedroom door open and spoke, "What the hell is-" but then I stopped when my eyes met another pair. A beautiful pair.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper.

"Why weren't you at school?"

"Answer me. What are you doing here, Harry?"

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