Chapter Fourty - Four

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That day I went straight home with Kendall, and we locked ourselves in our room. The only person that we let in was Chasity, and she told her parents that she would sleep over. God, when did my life get so messed up? When did I be the girl who held around a sign saying 'Take advantage of me!' 

There was a knock on my bedroom door. It was nine o clock at night. "Who is it?" Kendall spoke. 

"It's me, Camille." Kendall unlocked the door and let Camille in.

Camille said hi to Chasity and me after hugging Kendall. "Diana, don't you want to say hi to Camile?" I heard Kendall say.

But I just continued to stare at the door. "She hasn't spoken since...?" I heard Camille ask. 

I looked over at them. Kendall shook her said. "Nope, not since like, 1:00. The only sounds I've heard come out of her mouth are the occasional sobs."

"I can't believe Harry did that..." Camille trailed off. Kendall had called her and told her the whole story beforehand.

"I can," Kendall said.

Chasity stood up and went to them while, I pulled my knees tighter to my chest. "What do you mean?" She asked them.

"Well, I've known Harry. He's always used girls."

There was another knock on my door. "Diana? It's me!" My mom's voice came from the other side. 

Kendall opened the door, but didn't let her in. She just spoke to my mom. I couldn't hear what my mom was saying. Only Kendall. "No, she still hasn't said a word." Pause. "I mean, she got up to pee like, three hours ago." Pause. "Okay, I will... thank you." And then she shut the door. 

Camille took a seat beside me. She put her hand on my knee, and she looked me in the eyes. "Diana... please, say something. Anything. I don't care what it is. You can tell me to fuck off for all I care. I just need you to speak. I miss your voice. Please, say something."

But Chasity stopped her. "It's no use... She's only ever been like this one other time in her life. And that was after she lost the baby that she'd had once."

Kendall and Camille already knew the story, though. And Camille sighed. "Please, speak to us. We're your friends."

Kendaa interrupted. "No, Cam. Chasity's right. There's no use. Before she stopped talking, she told me that she would've preferred that he'd cheated on her."

Then the doorbell rang. I looked at Kendall. "I'll go check who that it," she said before leaving.

"Did you guys call anyone else?" Camille asked after a couple seconds of silence.

Chasity shrugged. "No, not that I know of."

"Listen to me! You have to leave!" I heard Kendall's voice yell behind the door. Camille opened the door to check what was going on. But before Camille could say anything, Harry burst through the doors.

Kendall looked at me. "Diana, I'm so sorry. He just passed me and your mom. I'll bring him out," Kendall said, tugging on Harry's arm, trying to pull him out the door.

"No, I'm not going anywhere!" Harry yelled, pulling his arm from Kendall. 

When I nodded at her, she let go and shut the door behind her. "Fine, you have like, ten minutes before we throw you out," Camille said.

Harry ignored all three girls that sent daggers his way and ran to my side on the bed. He took Camilles spot and held my hand. I let him, although, I did flinch at his touch. "Diana, you have to believe me, okay? I love you. I love you so much. Yes, It's true. I called you a charity case. But that was way before we were even together. That was before everything that happened between us. That was before I changed."

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