Chapter Sixteen

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Harry and I arrived at my house at the same time. He parked next to me in the driveway. I felt my wrist pulsating at the thought of how I'd always come home and do the same thing over and over again. But I couldn't now because Harry was hear. I'm not sure if trust him yet with this big of a secret. I will tell him eventually... just not yet. Not now. Harry held my hand as we walked up the stairs. And as soon as we got up to my room, I pulled out my homework. 

An hour passed and I was still on my math homework. Harry was on his third one, and I was on my first. What the hell. Harry was good at everything when all he did was sleep in class. How is that possible? On my last problem, I silently thanked God. But then I remembered that I had to check everything with the answer key that was given to us. I'd checked everything, and everything was right except for the last one. Checking over my work, I groaned in frustration because everything was right. Yet, my answer wasn't connecting with the answer key. I pat down my eyebrows, a habit I have when I'm frustrated. 

"I freaking hate you!" I yelled at my math binder.

Harry laughed a little, and that lightened up my mood. "Are you okay?" he asked.

But I shook my head. "No," I sighed. "How did you get passed this math homework?" I asked, groaning once I again as I looked over my answers.

Harry moved closer to me. His shadow towered over the paper, and he brought the back of his pen to the paper as he traced my work. "Well, your work is right..." he said.


"Wait, let me get my stuff," he said. Then he moved to his bag to get his math work out. He brought his math binder onto the table and dropped it down next to mine. His was more tattered than mine, and it kind of made me upset because I could sometimes be a neat freak. But I ignored the feeling. He then opened his binder and compared out work. And all of a sudden, his deep laughter brought me out of my observing trance. 

After realizing that I couldn't possibly guess why he was laughing, I asked, "Why the hell are you laughing?" I asked this with an amused smile on my face.

He brought himself to stop laughing. "Because," he began, "you mixed up problem twenty one and eighteen. You literally put the first half of twenty one and the other half of eighteen..." he trailed off.

It was my turn to laugh. "Oh my God! I'm so stupid!" I yelled. Then quickly began to copy down the actual problem down, and I was done in a matter of minutes, seconds after Harry finished. 

We both put our books away and then layed on our backs next each other. I raised my arms so that I could see my hands and the ceiling. Harry did the same. "What're you doing?" he asked.

I laughed and brought my arms down as I turned to face him. "Shut up."

Harry smiled and then brought me into his strong embrace. 

And then my phone rang. I removed myself from his embrace and answered it and put it on speaker. "Hey, Chasity," I said, looking at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes at me as Chasity spoke, "Hey, Di, what's up?" she asked.

"I'm with Harry, and didn't I tell you not to call me Di?" I said. Really, it pissed me off, but I didn't want to get mad at her for it.

I heard Chasity laugh a little. "Fine, Ana. What're you and Harry doing?"

Ugh. "I told you not to call me Ana either. I hate that!" I exclaimed.

"Well are you going to answer my question?" she said, ignoring me.

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