Chapter Fourty - Six

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Once we were settled in our resort, I got a call in my room. "Hello?" I asnwered.

"Hey, are you all settled?" It was Kendall.

I looked around my room - well, mine and Chasity's room - that was somewhat a mess. "Uh, yeah. We're settled. Why?"

"Good. Get ready, we're going to dinner."

"Where?" I asked.

"It's a secret. Just get dressed." And then she hung up.

I sighed and put the phone back in its place. "Who was that?" Chasity asked, coming nto the room from the bathroom.

"Kendall. She said to get ready. We're going out for dinner."


We all met for dinner.

Kendall wore an aquamarine colored silk dress with gold heels that matched the detailing of the dress. Camille wore a blue dress that sort of, as it got down to the knee, got black. It was gorgrous, especially with the black studded heels. Chasity wore a strapless gold dress that stopped mid thigh and dipped deep to show cleavage with black heels. I wore a black cutout dress with black heels.

Harry wore a black short sleeve button up that was tucked into tight black jeans along with these brown boots. Niall wore a white short sleeve button up that was tucked into black jeans that weren't as tight as Harry's along with white sneakers.

"You guys ready?" Camille asked as we stood in front of the restaurant 'Bana'.

We nodded as we began to walk into the restaurant. I let everyone walk in front of me so that I could walk next to Harry. "You look... really good," I said to him with a smile.

He smiled at me. "I should say the same. You look amazing, Diana."

I tucked my black hair behind my ear. "Thanks."

He stopped me in the doorway of the restaurant so that we'd have to catch up with the rest of them. "I mean it... you look gorgeous."

I didn't - no, I couldn't stand with Harry like this. Like everything was completely back to normal. Because things weren't back to normal. "We should uh, get to our table," I said, and we did.

Once we got our food, Harry stood up. "Before we eat, I know that this is an only 'at home tradition', but I was hoping that I could make a toast tonight? Or at least... just a speech," he said, hopefully.

"Yeah, Harry, of course," Camille said.

Harry smiled for a milisecond. He looked nervous. "Well, this isn't exactly a toast... as I uh, said before." Harry swallowed hard as if he couldn't speak. "I wanted to take this opportunity to uh, apologize to you, Diana," he said.

I nodded, allowing him to continue.

He let out a deep breath. "I-I was so stupid to say what I did before. I'll admit... before I met you... I hated everyone. I didn't believe that there was anyone that I could meet in my lifetime that could possibly not disappoint me. I didn't believe that there was anyone who could teach me what I needed to know. I was always on my own - always. But I was wrong. If you did teach me one thing, and you did, it's that people make mistakes. And that no matter what, there are such things as second chances - even for people as fucked up as me. Even for people as fucked up as any of us. And now, I realize that I haven't been on my own. Not for a while. For the past years, I've seriously been taking advantage of the friends that I have. You know, Diana, if I'd never met you, I probably wouldn't be admitting this. But Kendall and Camille... you guys are some of the best friends anyone could ever have. I'm actually lucky to have people like you that put up with all of my shit. And Niall, you're just... the best friend. You give me reality checks when I need them - and that's a whole fucking lot. You try not to let me get caught in my own ego. You're like the brother I've never had. And I thank you for that. Also, now I feel like a fucking prick for not saying anything nice about Chasity."

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