Chapter Forty - One

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Harry looked as if he could kill, and believe me.. he could. "What the fuck are you two doing here?"

"Harry, come on!" I pouted. I kept having the urge to say something because I knew that this wasn't going to go well, but it wasn't working out. I kept forgetting what I was supposed to say, and once I remembered, I had another thought coming in. My judgement was clouded, and I couldn't help it.

But every single time that I grabbed his arm, he just shoved me off. I mean, I get that he was angry, but I was hurt by it too. Whatever. I just continued to beg him to let it go. "Go outside," but I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or Kendall. Then he turned to Louis and Zayn. "Now, you two. What the fuck are you guys doing here?"

Zayn smirked. "Didn't you hear? You're girlfriend was like a rollercoaster up there."

I furrowed my eyebrows confused, but Harry's fists just clenched tighter. "Everyone was taking turns on her," Louis spoke.

And in that second, all three men were entagled on the floor along with their fists and blood. It took me a second to process what was going on.

I grabbed Harry by his shoulders. "Harry, stop it! Let's go!" But he just kept at it - the punching, the words, the kicking, everything. All the abusive acts were in play, and I couldn't stop him. I hated seeing him like this, but I wasn't strong enough to pull him off of them. "Harry, please, we have to go!" I was beginning to sober up, but I still couldn't think correctly. At least I could tug on him harder now.

"Kendall, go outside with Diana," he ordered, his physiclal contact with the other two non wavering.

Kendall put her hand on my arm. "C'mon, Diana..." she said, pulling me.

But I snatched my arm back. "Are you serious? I'm not leaving him here," I said to Kendall. I continued to move to Harry and tug on his shirt, but it was hard to stay holding on to him considering he was busy hitting the crap out of two guys. "Can we go please? I'm not leaving here without you, Harry. I need you to know that."

"Yeah, just go with your girlfriend," Louis called out.

I didn't know how to take that statement, so I just chose to ignore it. And before I knew it my mind was blurred, and my vision was not my vision. I saw something. It looked so familiar, but I didn't know. Everything he said was coming at me too fast for me to process. My vision rushed back to my head.

I let go of Harry's shirt almost immediately, and I felt myself come in contact with the floor. Harry turned around as soon as I fell. "Oh my God, Diana, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said getting up when i caught a glance of Harry's bleeding hands. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He looked at his hands. "What? This? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Can we just go?" I asked.

"Y-yeah... sure."



A week or two had gone by, and Harry's knuckles were almost completely healed. We haven't seen much of either Zayn or Louis. I was happy about that. Kendall, Niall, and Camille were supposed to leave two days ago, back to England, but they decided to stay for another month or so. This made me pretty happy because we'd actually became close. They even met my mom, and she approved. Everything was going great.

I mean, it wasn't great enough to make me stop cutting. I still cut, a lot. But I still have moments were I'm not exactly sad, so that's good right?

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