A Dark Presence..?

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Katelyn & Travis's P.O.V

We were waiting for Aph whilst the others left us and went to other places. We were talking when we heard slashes and clashes of swords... I hope Aph is ok.... We can't lose her.... We then hear footsteps as we turned around, we saw nothing.... We started to talk after silence came over us... Then we heard stomps... Nothing there.... Then we glance back again in case and we saw Aph being helped out bye Aaron as she and he was both cut but he still helped her... Poor thing.... We talked a little and we found out she was okay, then they went for everyone else, we went in pairs all around the castle incase she got out anywhere else than the front door, which we were at...

Dante & Nicole's P.O.V

We were waiting and waiting for Aph praying for Irene she was okay. We then saw a shadow running against the walls, but we ignored it... We saw it again and again until finally we heard speaking.... It sounded like Aaron, Katelyn & Travis, but no Aph.... "W-where's A-A-Aphmau...?" Nicole asked Dante. "She's fine, it's ok." His voice cracked on the ok part. We hugged to calm each other down, then we saw Aaron walking towards us.. He told us what happened and about Aphmau, we nodded as we went to Katelyn and Travis as Aaron went to see the others.

Kawaii~Chan & Jeffery's P.O.V

Both of us very worried asked each other if Aph is okay, we were very scared incase we lost her... and Aaron would be hurt, more than anyone else... We cried and hugged comforting each other as we heard sounds.. We turned and looked around, and we saw a shadow versioned Mei'fwa girl... Michi better not be back.... We sighed then heard, Aaron, Katelyn, Travis, Dante and Nicole... No Aphmau, we know she is ok though.. Right? We then saw Aaron come over carrying Aph, he told us it all and went off to see Garroth, Cadenza, Laurance and Lucinda...

Laurance, Lucinda, Cadenza and Garroth's P.O.V

We were all talking with each other since we are all very close with one another. We kept hearing sounds, creepy ones... And saw shadows and we were all petrified. We prayed for everyone else to hurry up!! We waited for ages still hearing and seeing things... then finally Aaron came around carrying Aph bridal style. He told us it was all okay and that we should head back. So we all got the others and went home as the ventured for Irene, Aphmau's mother to help them.

Irene's P.O.V

I felt a dark presence upon us all, so I hoped for everyone to leave, they did apart from someone, it was a powerful source or source's I couldn't put my finger on... Then I feel someone watching me and I hear screaming and creepy sounds... Odd.... Then I see Aphie's lover carry her... I rush over and ask what's wrong. "Mother, help me, it hurts..." Aph said. I understood as I felt her head and stomach. I put my hands on her stomach and chest and sent a light source through which helped her. "Y-You're real, M-Mother?" Aph said as she jumped from Aaron's arms... I felt a source from him, but I'll talk to him another time, because I know they will return. I then put my eyes to Aphmau and nodded, she looked confused but I gave her a signal to go, I had to find that dark presence...

Aaron's P.O.V

I carried her out and spoke to everyone, we finally made it to Irene after I assured that Aph was okay to everyone, I knew Irene felt my powerful presence.. She gave me that look.. I have to lie to Aph, she wouldn't like what I am, nor Irene either... I just looked at her back with a guilty face and she understood and talked to Aphmau again... I can't let her find out what I am... I'm a monster... Irene then told us to leave as she said that I could feel something dark and scary presence... Aph jumped out my arms when her mother helped her. I suppose she wants us out that's why she is doing this quick, she probably sense's this too. I grab Aphmau's hand and walk out the portal with her because she was having trouble walking on her right leg she had to hobble, but I helped her get to my place...

Aphmau's P.O.V

I gave my mother a weird and suspicious look and she gestured for us to leave for I knew she felt a presence, that wasn't good... I then sense something on Aaron... I never knew what... But maybe he was that bad presence... But he wouldn't lie or keep anything from me? Right? Would he? Maybe... I kept ranting about this as Aaron took my hand helping me out and to his house because I had troubles with my right leg... I sat down on his couch and he placed a blanket over me, he knew I needed rest... He then put on 'My Little Horses' trying to make me better, trying to make me sleep and rest, whilst he handled my duties, I knew Levin is Lord but I deal with stuff too, to help him with bad needs he can't handle, but he needs to someday.... I then finally drift off after ranting in on my head....

A/N- 440 VIEWS!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! I hope you like this!!!!! Thanks for reading these! They may not be good from others you've read but I am very thankful. I hope you enjoy! Also I wonder what presence? Was it Aaron? Michi? Or another??? What do you think? Anyways, Bye!!~ Kerry

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