Hospital. Part. 1

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(A/N- All gonna be Aph's P.O.V this chapter.)

Aphmau's P.O.V

It was time for everyone to arrive to see me, one-by-one. Kawaii~Chan was first, she came in. "OMG! KAWAII~CHAN WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT APHMAU~SENPAI!!!" She squealed out as she saw me and squeezed me with a tight hug. "I-It's ok Kawaii~Chan, don't worry, I'm ok, I'm sorry..." I spoke with a sad tone. I felt like this was my fault... "No, Aphmau~Senpai, I see it in your eyes, it's not your fault." She said. I nodded and we chatted about a lot, and she mentioned Jeffery quite a few times, I feel love is in air... Until.. "Kawaii~Chan, times up!" The nurse said as another person appeared at the door. She hugged me then left. Jeffery came in!!!

"Aphmau!" He shouted as he ran up and hugged me. "Jeffery!" I said mimicking him and hugging back. He laughed. "I am so happy you're here. Everyone was upset thinking we lost you, especially Garroth and Aaron." He spoke soothingly. I looked in confusion. Aaron? Really? "Really? I know FC- I mean Aaron is my friend and all, but really?" I asked. He nodded. We also then chatted and he told me about him liking Kawaii~Chan!! I felt so giddy he's moved on from Katelyn, yes he did dump her, but... yeah.....  "C'mon Jeffery, my turn now!!" A girl shouted. He chuckled, nodded, hugged me, then left. I looked at the door and saw someone with the colour blue on, and blue eyes. Katelyn, I thought. The person walked in yup, it was her.

"Aphmau!" She shouted and pulled me into her sweet hugs. "Katelyn... Are you any better? About ya know...." I said and she knew what I meant, she nodded. "Yeah, turns out me and Jeffery are like bro and sis. I like this new relationship, he's told me about his new crush!!!" She said in excitement, I tried to laugh but it hurt a little. "Yeah, he told me about her too, Kawaii~Chan. And she actually mentioned Jeffery quite a lot talking to me!!" I said back with excitement. We both gave each other a look, and we started singing 'Love is in the air' Oh gosh, we're to weird. We stopped and it was time for Katelyn to go. She left and a male figure appeared. Dante...

"Hey, Dante." I said. "Hey, Aphmau." He said. "Sooo, how's your thing going with the ladies?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. He chuckled and shook his head. "No, not good." He spoke. I nodded and chuckled. "That book was so stupid, yet funny." I said. "You as a boy was so stupid, yet funny." He said laughing. I laughed and yet again it hurt. "Soooo, do you still like Aaron?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "W-What are you talking about?" I said, heat rushing to my cheeks, I nervously laughed and looked away in embarrassment. He then went to say something when a high, yet low female voice appeared. He then left. The person came in with orange hair. Lucinda.

"Oh my gosh! Aphmau!" Lucinda squealed as she ran and squeezed me with a hug. I laughed but not to hard. "Hey, Lucinda..." I said. "Hey, are you ok?" Lucinda asked sincerely. "Yes, I'm so sorry about everything that's happened... I could've prevented that car accident, but.... yeah..." I said trailing off. "Why do you sound smarted and wiser, what happened in that coma?" She asked. She was smart. "Oh nothing, a few years happened, we were all adults, and everyone was a couple, and we fought and battled evil sources and presences, nothing much..." I said. "Oh, who was I dating?" She asked, interested. I coughed; "Laurance." I choked out hoping her reaction isn't bad. She blushed! SHE BLUSHED!!! I felt like squealing but before I could say anything she left then Travis came in!

"Not alone buddy!" We both shouted and hugged, then we laughed. "Hey, Aphmau." He said. "Hi, Travis. How's Dante's girl advice going?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head. "Terrible, but I like someone..." He then blushed. "Who!?" I shouted in excitement then shut my mouth, a little to loud I shouted. He laughed. "K-Katelyn." He stuttered. I coughed. I couldn't keep it in so I squealed very loudly and then laughed. He looked amused seeing that I was better. "I better go Aphmau." He said. I nodded then he hugged me once more and left. I heard talking then someone appeared... Cadenza.

"Cadenza." I said with a smile. "Aphmau!" She squealed then hugged me. I laughed and that hurt. "I made some clothes for you when you get out, well tried to..." She said lifting clothes up, how could she doubt these? "They're wonderful Cadenza." I said looking at them as she put them away for me. She giggled then we talked a lot. Then a very cute voice appeared. "Sis, my turn." The person whined, it was a male. She giggled. "Okay, bro." She said, hugged me then left. The male came in, Laurance!

"Laurance!" I shouted, trying to get up. "Wow, slow down there Aph." He said holding me up and hugging me. I looked at him. I guess I still kinda like Laurance. I gazed into his eyes. He kissed me and set me back down. Oh wow, I do like him a bit still. But Laurance and Lucinda would look good. "So how are you?" I asked him. "Better, now that you're back Aph." He said, I blushed a little. We talked and talked until he left, before he did, he hugged me, kissed my cheek, then left. Next was another male, Garroth!!

"Garroth!!!" I squealed. He laughed, holding me back until he hugged me, yes I still kinda like him but I know I've kissed Laurance and Garroth- well they kissed me, but in the same day doesn't feel right. After he hugged me he stared at me for a moment, he then kissed me. I hugged him. "I'm glad you're ok Aph." He asked meeting my gaze. I nodded then we chatted. He had to leave for the other person, two more people left. He hugged me, kissed my head, then left. I giggled then saw a female figure it was Nicole!

"Hi Nicole!!" I said as she came up to me. She giggled. and hugged me, she then sat down. "Hey, Aphmau. How are you?" She asked. "I am fine actually, the coma was interesting, I was in a different place, we were all couples, there were new people, we fought bad people and presences, it was like years there but months here, it was quite amazing." I said. She was intrigued. "Have you told anyone else?" She asked. I nodded. "Lucinda, I told her." I said. She nodded. "Who was me, you and Lucinda with?" She asked. "Lucinda and Laurance, you and Dante, and me..." I said blushing madly. "Well, Laurance and Lucinda are cute, me and D-Dante, hehe, and you, you're blushing like a mad woman." She said. I giggled. "Well I was with--" I was cut off when Aaron stood by the door. "Well Nicole, there's your answer." I said sneakily putting my gaze to Aaron, then Nicole, then Aaron and back to Nicole. Her eyes widened. "I can't believe you like HIM!" She shouted. I blushed harder. "Nicole!" I squealed. "Sorry- Oh sorry Aaron, I'll go now. Bye Aph." She said and hugged me. Good Actor, I thought. Now for the last visitor, Aaron.

"Hey, Shu. You feeling better?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him, this was new. The last thing I remember was the time we had to babysit that baby and I was like "LET'S MAKE ONE!" I said to him that day, I realized what I said and pretended not to know where they came from, I saved myself. Anyways... "Hey, Aaron, how are you?" I asked. "Good, I'm very glad my best friend is back." He said and hugged me again. I kept thinking about what I thought about in that coma. He noticed. He tilted his head in confusion. It was so cute, it was like a puppy. I giggled. "So what do you keep thinking about?" He asked. "There was something in the coma I was in, like the dream thing, it was so real." I said. "Tell me about it, Aphmau." He said. I nodded but was nervous in case he asked about who he and I was with. "Well, everyone was there, there was new people, everyone was in couples- Like together, like Laurance and Lucinda, they were a couple, we fought bad people and dark presences, it may sound stupid, but it's true." I said. "Well, that's interesting, who was I dating?" He asked. I gulped at the question. "W-Well, y-you m-m-may n-not w-wanna k-k-know..." I stuttered looking away as I blushed in embarrassment. "Please, I wanna know if I'm with the girl I like." He said. I sighed, nodded, gulped then took a deep breath. "I-It was y-you and m-me..." I said looking away, as I looked at him he was smiling. Was I? No, he would never like me... I thought to myself. He went to say something then the nurse walked in asking to see if I could walk, and she said Aaron could help me... I hope I don't fall, I'd be a blushing maniac...

A/N- So I tried to make this as long as I could, word count: 1556. Since I made it only one P.O.V I tried what I could, I hope it's ok. And thank you for 1.5k Reads!!!! Thanks!!! I hope ya enjoy this and read the updates!!! Bye!!!!~ Kerry

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