The shrine...

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Aphmau's P.O.V
I gaped at the sight before me, it was a shrine.... not just any shrine.... an Aarmau shrine... and do you know what Kawaii~Chan did? She printed a few pages of my diary, of what my feelings are for Aaron, I was still paralyzed, I couldn't breath. (Sorry, just for story, Aph/Jess uses diary, and puts her love for Aaron and stuff in it, also Kawaii~Chan's went cuckoo for shipping so... ye) I was in to much horror, then the thoughts occurred, What if Aaron saw this? Would he think of me as some freak? Would he hate me? Leave me? Dislike me and never love me again?, Then a few positives rolled in, What if he likes it? What if he enjoys seeing what I feel about him? Maybe he'd like me more? Stay with me?, but I was cut from my trance when Aaron walked in, I was shaking. WAIT! WHAT IF HE THOUGHT I MADE THE SHRINE!? Would he think I did? Then Aaron walked over to the paper and started reading, I finally got the guts to move, so I ran out, and sat on the stairs outside the house.... Why would Kawaii~Chan do that to me? Like take my diary and read it.... I was still shaking, so that was no help at all....


Aaron's P.O.V
I walked in on a shaking Aphmau, as she stood rooted to the ground, her mouth gaped, staring at something, I followed he gaze and gasped, it was a Aarmau shrine, wow... I walked over to it, looking at everything, then found pieces of paper on the wall, I started reading each one, they were so cute, since it's Aarmau, it must have been Aphmau who wrote this, I looked back to see her, but she was gone, I wonder who made the shrine, I'll have to go ask.

So I went to look for her and found her outside, still shaking like mad, I walked over to her and knelt down, (A/N- I have no clue if I spelt it right.) I looked at her face, she had a worried expression, I just pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, "Aphmau, what's wrong?" I asked her. "S-S-Shrine..." She stuttered. "Who made it? And why do you look worried?" I asked. "Kawaii~Chan did... but that's not what I'm worried about..." She answered. "What then?" I ask. "Y-You're not mad? Angry? Shocked?, You don't think I'm weird? Odd? Crazy?" She asked, I looked at her confused, "Why would I think that?" I asked. "The paper.... You read it...." She responded, I smiled. "So you did write it?" I asked. She hesitated, then nodded. "Why write it, when you could tell me?" I asked. "Well, number 1; I had no clue if you still liked me.... Number 2; I wrote my feelings down on paper, because it's easier to write, then say to the person you like, A.K.A you're face... and lastly, number 3; I was scared..." She answered. "Well, number 1; I couldn't stop liking you, there was hints I was giving but they were hard... Number 2; Yeah, of course, but why not get it over and done with? I told you on the street because I couldn't handle not telling you in case you got with someone else, and number 3; Why are you scared?" I said to her. "Well, I agree none the less with it all, but I was scared, because, how do I put this, remember Damian?" She asked, I nodded confused. "Well, I'm scared in case, I liked you when I was with him by the way, but I don't want the same thing happening to me again, he kissed another girl, and she got people to turn on me, I do trust you, but you could cheat, I'm not saying you will, but I got them trust issues, then I'm scared to lose you to a fan girl, or someone who likes you other than me, and she may get you turn against me and I don't want that to happen...." She rambled on, so I cut her off with a kiss. "Aphmau, no I would never cheat on someone as special as you, I've always stood by your side, even if it broke me to see you and Damian together, I could never turn against you, because remember when I had that chance? I chose you, waited for you, and stood by you, and before Ivy came in the room, I was so happy you liked me, but when that coma came back, I thought I lost you, but I couldn't move on, people kept saying you were dead, but I had little hope, I came to see you, but no one else knew, they thought I thought you were dead and that I moved on, but no, I can't Aphmau, because, I-I..... I love you...... I know we can't be together because Laurence and Garroth may do something crazy, but I will still wait for you, and until Laurence and Garroth stay calm, I'll keep waiting.... So just spare my feelings and tell me what you want...." I told her.


Aphmau's P.O.V
Okay, De ja vu just hit me, that was so sweet what he said to me, but I had to reply, "Aaron, look, I love you too, but Laurence and Garroth could hurt you, so I'll wait for you, and you wait for me, we can keep this a secret, and still be as happy as we can be, if Casanova flirts, or if Garroth tries too, I always stop them, because all I need is you, but we can keep it on the down low until we can be free from a crazy Laurence and Garroth scene, but just know, I do, love you too..." I said to him. (Idfk why I made some of it rhyme, please help..) He looked at me again and smiled warmly. "Aphmau, thank you, it may have rhymed a lot, but, yes, we keep it on the low, but our friends can't know, ok?" He stated, I nodded.

Maybe, Kawaii~Chan in my diary was a good idea after all....

A/N- Hey guys, hope you like de chapter, ye, this may not be good, but am sorry, if it's too fast, tell me please, thanks for reading, bye!!!~ Kerry

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