Loki Laufeyson

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Inspired by music video, 'You Can Be King Again'. . .

The Woman
Loki stomped in random directions in the forest, grumbling under his breath his annoyance to Odin and Thor. "How dare they. . ." he was mumbling. "I helped them defeat those Rebels, and they go and take all of the credit. I'll show them, those arrogant, selfish - WHOA!" Loki's grumbling was cut short when he suddenly tripped over a root, falling flat on his face on the forest floor. He groaned in pain, rolling onto his back while doing so. He was pulled out of his pained moment by the sound of quiet giggling.
   "Who's there?" Loki demanded. He sat up quickly, pulling out one of his daggers. A twig snapped to his right, making him quickly whirl around with his dagger out ready, only to falter when it was just a maiden. She had brown curly hair that went to mid back, a small golden wreath on her head. She wore a long sleeved green dress that went to the floor, her eyes the same colour of the dress. She was the most beautiful woman Loki's ever saw. Still keeping his guard up, he slowly made his way to her until he was just mere a foot away. He tilted his head at her, wondering who she was and why she was deep in the forest of Asgard with Bilgensnipes wandering around.
   "Hello." he eventually said. The woman said nothing, only looking at him in the eyes, her smile of amusement still on her face. "I am Loki Odinson, of Asgard." He gave her a polite smile, his interest piked. "What is yours, my lady?"
   "I don't have one." she said. Loki's eyes widened at the sound of her voice; it made him think of peaceful chimes, her voice soprano. "But it is nice meeting you, Odinson."
   Loki reached out his hand to grab hers, only for her to gracefully slide away from his grasp, smile still on her face. Loki frowned at the sudden movement, reaching out for her again only to touch nothing since she moved away again.
   "I wouldn't do that, if I were you." she said.
   "Why not?" Loki questioned. "Why can't I touch you?"
   "If I touch bare skin of another, I leave the realm and turn into a star." she answered.
   "You die?" he clarified, his face twisting into horror. He immediately reeled back from trying to reach her, taking steps away from her in fear of touching her. The woman frowned at the distance he created.
   "You can still be near me." she said. "Just don't touch me. Here -" she picked up a stick and held one end of it, holding it out for him. "You can hold on to the other end like we are holding hands, if you want."
   Slowly and carefully, Loki made his way over to her and grabbed onto the end of the stick with her. He relaxed when nothing bad happened. "Now," she grinned, "let's chat while walk around, shall we? Preferably away from the Bilgensnipes. Why are you here deep in the forest?"
   "My family is annoying me - well, my father and brother." Loki explained, walking along with her in a random direction. "It seems my father favours my brother more than me, no matter what I do. I have a feeling Thor will have the throne instead of me."
   "That's not nice," she frowned, "having a favourite child. They should be loved equally."
   "Mother does that." Loki sighed. "And even when father says he loves us equally, I know he loves Thor just a bit more."
   "Do you want some advice?" she suggested. Loki nodded for her to continue. "Don't worry about them. Just do what you do to make yourself proud, and the people of Asgard. Maybe don't focus on the relationship between your father and brother, and just focus on doing what's best for the realm. If your father sees what you are doing, maybe he'll consider giving the throne to you."
   Loki gave her a grateful smile, wanting to give her a hug or a kiss but knowing not to. "Thank you." he told her sincerely. "I will take on your advice."
   "That's nice." she smiled. She then nodded up ahead, making Loki follow her gaze and see the exit of the forest. Loki turned to her confused. "It's almost nightfall," she stated, "I think it's best if you don't worry that family of yours further."
   "Will I see you again?" he asked her hopefully. The woman gave him another bright smile of hers, making his heartbeat escalate at the sight.
   "We'll see." was all she said.


Years later. . .
"Brother! Where are you going?" Thor boomed, spotting Loki walking by the Training Grounds. He stopped his spar with a soldier and made his way to Loki who waited patiently for him. "Don't you want to train with Warriors Three, Sif and I?"
   "You know I only practise twice a day." Loki told him. "And I have already trained twice today. Good day." Loki turned on his heel to leave.
   "But where are you going?" Thor asked him. "I always see you leave at this certain time of the day to somewhere no one knows. What are you doing, Loki?"
   "Just visiting a friend." Loki shrugged nonchalantly, a small hint of impatience leaking through. "Can I go now?"
   "Ooh, a friend?" Thor grinned.
   "Oh ho-ho-ho!" a voice suddenly said. The brothers turned to the voice to see it was Fandral who spoke. He, the rest of Warriors Three and Sif were making their way to them. Loki silently huffed in annoyance. "Since when does Loki have friends apart from us?"
   "I didn't even know he has a friend outside of this group." Sif mused. Loki glared at them all.
   "Yeah, well I do." Loki snapped impatiently. "And I have known her for years. So if you will excuse me -"
   "A lady friend!" Volstagg boomed. "Oh, you lucky lad!"
   "Not in that way!" Loki exclaimed. He groaned at their laughter, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Look, I have no time for this, okay? I'm already late." So without another word, Loki made his leave, with the five watching after him.
   "My friends," Thor grinned mischievously, "are you thinking what I am thinking?"

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