The Farewell

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"So, this is goodbye. . .for now." I turn to the guys. "Anything you wanna say to them before we leave?"
   "Um. . ." They all looked to each other with questioning looks.
   "Thank you for reading this book?" Reid shrugged. Loki scoffed at that, rolling his eyes.
   "Mortals these days. . ." he muttered. Legolas glared at him.
   "Take care of how you speak about them. Humans are a peaceful kind -"
   "No they are not, I'm afraid to say, Light Elf." Loki snapped.
   "Just because my friend and his team defeated your ass." Bucky scoffed.
   "Come on, now," Finnick smirked, "no need for everyone to get riled up."
   "Aren't you supposed to be dead?"
   "Oh now you're getting it, Reindeer -"
   "All I wanted was for you guys to say something nice for the end of the book." I sighed. Reid gave me a sheepish smile.
   "Sorry, if I didn't say anything -"
   "Dude, it's not your fault." Felix assured him. "I mean, sure I'm a kid and all so you guys don't really pay attention to us, but it isn't your fault."
   "If only you were actually real." I sighed dreamily. "Stupid actor being nineteen and all that shiz. . ."
   "Seriously, I think I can defeat you all." Jasper spoke up. "I'm immortal. It's gonna take more than bullets to kill me."
   "He can even defeat me and we're the same kind." Garret added.
   "Let's not talk about deaths -" Tom Hiddleston announced worriedly.
   "Shut up, you mewling quim!" Loki glared. "Just because you have the same face as me -"
   "Me? I am you! The reason why girls are crazy over you is because of me!"
   "Wow." James Conrad stared at them unimpressed. "Mature."
   "People these days." Sherlock sighed in annoyance. "So petty."
   "That's why it's better ruling over them." Tom Riddle muttered darkly. Draco stared at him fearfully.
   "It's weird seeing the Dark Lord in this form." Draco muttered to me. Pietro simply sat back, watching the arguments go by with a box of popcorn - wait. . .
   "When did you get that?" I asked in surprise. He winked at me.
   "You didn't see that coming?"
"Everyone quiet." Charles' voice came through into our minds. "Let's give Katalina here some respect, please. The reason why we are here is because of her."
   "He's right." Merlin spoke up. "We shouldn't be acting like this to our friend."
   "Well said, my friend." Victor Frankenstein clapped him on the shoulder. "Well said."
   "So let's be proper now, okay?" Chris Beck suggested. They all murmured their agreements.
   "Um, I'd like to say something." Sebastian Stan raised his hand up. "Thank you for reading this one-shot book. It means a lot to Katalina and all of us."
   "It's been a fun ride." Jefferson added with a shrug.
   "If you want another book, just ask." Loki said. "Claim royalty on me, and I shall give you what you need -"
   "If you want a certain one-shot, all you gotta do ask." Pietro cut him off. "Comments, direct message. . ."
   "Just show that you love our book." Bucky shrugged. "Um. . ."
   "Is that everything?" I asked them. They looked to each other with shrugs. "Okay. . .thank you again! Until next time!"
   "Bye!" they all chorused.
   "Now, about me being dead. . ." Finnick started.
   "You know I should be dead as well." Pietro added. "But look! I'm alive as ever -"
   "In a fictional book."
   "I'm also supposed to be alive in the comics, so. . ." Pietro poked his tongue at Loki.
   "Here we go." I sighed, watching as all the men got into arguments somehow.

The End -

"Oh!" I exclaimed loudly, startling the men. "I forgot something!"
"What?" they all chorused.
". . .I already started on the second book -" I'm interrupted by the sound of the men cheering loudly and happily.
"More women for us!" Pietro cheered.
"So just stay tuned, guys." I said. "Until I write at least five chapters, I'll publish the book. Until then! Bye!"
"Bye!" the men yelled.
"I wonder what's going to happen -"
"I hope I get a letter series -"
"I hope I get a sad one -"
"Spoilers!" I called to the men.

A/N: I just want to say, to all those SHINee fans how sorry I am for the loss of a wonderful idol. Even though I wasn't the group's number one fan like many of you are, I still felt that pain when I found out Jonghyun passed away. I actually cried when I found out; he was part of a legendary group - a group that Seventeen (especially Hoshi) were inspired by. I can't imagine how the rest of the Shinee group are, and his family. I actually cry at the thought of it.

I know it's painful, but trust me it will be better in time. Don't close yourself, be with your loved ones, and don't remember him as the man who left the world in pain, but the man who inspired so many and was loved. Think of him when he was happy, and keep that memory. As long as you saw him happy, it will be alright. I'm sure he's happy where he is now, watching us. He wouldn't want to see us sad over him for long, he'd want us to move on and remember him happily.

Again, I am so sorry to all fans, friends and family, and as I write this with tears in my eyes, I hope we all get better and move on in time. For not only our sake, but for him so he can rest in peace.

Sincerely (with tears pouring down my face),

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