Spencer Reid - Part I

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The Hostages - Part I
"Hello? Sir, can you hear me? Sir, wake up! WAKE UP!"
Reid opened his eyes with a gasp, his eye sight blurry from opening it too fast. He blinked a couple of times to get rid of the blurriness, only to see a beautiful woman hovering over his laid form. The first thing he actually saw were her dark brown eyes that showed nothing but concern and relief; concern for his safety, and relief for waking up. She had brown hair that was all over the place and dirty, dirt smudges on her pale face. He also recognised her as one of the kidnapped victims he and the team were searching for; Claire O'Donnel. She's been missing for the past week, claimed as dead - but Reid had a feeling that wasn't true. It wasn't in the Unsub's MO to kill the girl after a week. His MO was killing them after a day or two of being kidnapped.
"Are you okay?" she asked him, snapping him out of his jumbled thoughts.
"Y-yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Reid groaned, slowly sitting up with the help from her. "Claire O'Donnel?"
"That's me." Claire nodded.
"Don't worry, my team are on their way to get us." Reid assured her a bit breathlessly, looking around at his surroundings. Cold, dark, four cement walls and cement ground, a small window showing the ground. They were in a basement. "What happened?"
"I heard you knock on the door, saying it's the FBI." Claire explained. "He panicked and knocked you out when you were distracted looking around."
"That's right, Mason Smith was a suspect." Reid murmured. Mason Smith was a man in his early thirties, brown hair turning a bit grey. He was a bit muscular and quite tall, someone who could take on Reid easily - so there goes the idea of tackling him down to get Claire to runaway. Mason had green eyes that either looked dull and dead, or angry. Reid felt guilty for ruining the rescue, having to be rescued alongside the person that needed rescuing. "I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier about him -"
"Hey, it's okay." she told him with a gentle smile. Her smile. . .her teeth were perfect, Reid couldn't help but notice. "At least I have company here, since the other girls. . ." she trailed off, a sad look crossing her face. That's right, she stayed longer than the other girls. She had to watch as they were taken away to die.
"It's okay," he told her softly, "I'm not going to leave you."


"Get up!" Reid woke up with a jump, barely dodging a punch from the Unsub, Mason Smith. Reid and Claire had fallen asleep while they were talking, sticking together in the cold room. They had sat next to each other conserving body heat. Reid looked around worried, Claire not being at his side. He noticed her behind the Unsub not harmed, making him sigh in relief. "I said. . .get up!" Mason grabbed him by the hair, making him stand up. Reid cried out in pain, Claire screaming at Mason to stop.
"Stop it! You're hurting him! Stop it!" Claire screamed. She pushed Mason away and stood in front of Reid.
"Claire. . ." Reid watched as Mason got more angry. He gently grabbed her hand, pulling her to his side with her slightly behind him.
"I got no time for this." Mason snapped. He shoved rope in Reid's hands. "Here, tie this on her or else she gets killed." Reid's eyes widened at the sight of a gun aimed at Claire, despite the fact she was behind him. "Hurry up!"
"Okay! Okay!" Reid turned to Claire and gave her a sad look.
"It's okay." she whispered with a small smile. Reid carefully tied her hands together, making sure it didn't hurt her. Without Mason knowing, Reid had made sure that the ties were loose enough for her to get out of, but not obvious-looking when glancing at her hands. A plan in his escapade.
"Where are we going?" Reid asked Mason while he was tying his hands.
"Somewhere away from the Feds." Mason grumbled, deliberately giving Reid a small rope burn. "Follow me or else you die. Starting with the girl."
After motioning for them to walk ahead of him, Reid made sure that Claire was at the front, away from Mason and his gun. He was determined to not get her hurt. Three women already died, he wasn't going to get another woman killed - especially a woman that he got to know and claim her as a friend. A very good-looking friend, he couldn't help but think.

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